Chapter 27 Kneel

“Yes, I am. Who are you?”

This girl looks really pretty. There’s no way I would forget her if I had seen her before…

“My name is Sophie.”

Not wanting to waste too much time here nor reveal her identity to him, she stood up and continued nonchalantly, “You guys are tracking down Dr. Yarren’s whereabouts, right? I’ll give it a try.”

Eustace couldn’t help but frown when he heard that.

“Missy, you should get back to class if you’re bored. I’m really busy, so I don’t have time for your silly games!”

He had been so stressed out over Dr. Yarren’s case that he hadn’t slept well in a month, so he really wasn’t in the mood for games.

“I said, I can help you out, Captain Sheppard!” Sophie was starting to lose her patience.


“You desperately need to find Dr. Yarren, don’t you? What harm is there in letting me have a shot?”

Eustace had assumed she was just another troublemaker at first, but changed his mind when he saw the determined look in her eyes.

“All right, then. Come with me!” Eustace said as he led her to the technical department.

The technicians had been working day and night for a month, but were still unable to track down Dr. Yarren.

“Captain Sheppard!” a few of them greeted Eustace upon seeing him before getting back to work.

As Dr. Yarren’s life could be in danger, it was of utmost importance that they find him as soon as possible.

“You there, get up,” Sophie told one of the technicians.

“Go play somewhere else, missy. I’m busy over here,” the technician replied without even looking at her.

“Get up!”

this time, the

you find such a pretty girl, Captain

become so irresponsible? I can’t believe he’d bring an outsider into the technical

ignored him and began entering a bunch of

and a few other senior programmers were dumbfounded when they saw her go

than all of us in terms of her speed and

request, soon found himself feeling a little expectant after seeing

her way through firewall after firewall, eventually narrowing the search

as detailed

The rest is up to you guys.” Sophie said with

sure this is the place?” The technicians were unable to find any leads before, so they were a

is all I managed to

mocked her earlier, asked respectfully,

name is

token of appreciation when I bring Dr. Yarren back!” Eustace said as he gathered

over to Anglandur and bring

Douglas. May


was going to leave, but returned to her

then bombarded her with a ton of difficult questions, all of which she answered with detailed explanations. As some of the

“Any other questions?”

amazing, Ms. Tanner!” Ian exclaimed in

I’ll be on my way now if there are

you headed, Ms. Tanner? I’ll give you a ride.” Ian had always assumed that he was the best in his field, but witnessing

can head back on my own.” Sophie

so shocked by Sophie’s skills that it took them

got destroyed by a high

they were experts in their field, but Sophie had easily outperformed each and every

be someone better out there. This

she could join our team!” Ian exclaimed

even graduated from high school, man!” As there would be tons of companies out there that would kill to recruit her, it was unlikely that they would be able

think that could work!” Ian suggested, genuinely believing that he

else, however, fell speechless after hearing

too young for him!” someone exclaimed after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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