Barely Breathing

Chapter 5: We don't have a say on it

I was standing in the middle of a pastel pink room. The walls were painted pink. Pastel pink roses in different sizes from bud to fully grown roses decorated the floor tiles. Lovely.

The bed at the center seemed too small for a grown-up, probably this room belongs to a little girl. I let my eyes roamed around and noticed some stuffed toys and dolls in the right corner above a long drawer. It seemed my assumptions were correct.

My eyes caught a painting situated above the lampshade beside the bed which had quite gotten my interest. It was a messy painting of a wolf, a scarlet wolf with white hollow eyes.

I took a step closer and examined it. The wolf's eyes look like real ones staring right through me which gave me goosebumps. It has drawn me into it.

It felt as if my wolf was communicating to that wolf. It looks familiar though. Where did I ever saw that wolf before?

Then it dawned to me that everything in this room was quite familiar too. I just can't figure it out but somehow, I know everything and every little thing in this room. I searched my mind for an answer but found nothing helpful. It was like my mind was blocking some memories, if for my own will to forget or I simply forgot, I do not know.

A quiet sniffing had taken me back to my senses. I thought I heard someone sniffed as if he or she was holding a long sob and then there it was followed by a gasp and a meek cry. Looking around the room my focus suddenly caught a closet placed corner left.

I felt her. For some unknown reason, I can see her hiding behind some clothes on a rack inside the closet. She's just a child probably four or five. She was rocking herself back and forth while holding tight bear stuff.

She looked so vulnerable...

So broken...

So terrified at something or someone.

My heart was constrained at the sight of her. I felt her pain. Her sorrow. Her fear as she looked at me with innocent teary eyes. Her tears got into me as my tears drew a moist path on my face.

I felt the urge to go to her, to embrace her tight and tell her she has me, I'll protect her. I'll protect her against whoever or whatever she was terrified.

and into hiding?’

Tap. tap. tap.

and the sound gets nearer and nearer. Whoever it was, he or she was now ascending the stairs and I saw the child shook violently, cupping her little hands

consumed me for he was scaring the

ready to defend the little girl, I heard the knob clicked. Whoever he was, he will not hurt her as long as I'm here. The door slowly opened and I

What the hell Willow Ellis! " A high-pitched voice boomed, that

waited for my sight to adjust and saw my best friend Tasca being strangled by none other than me on the floor. The look on her face made me

you don't release me, Willow I swear, I'm going

her and she immediately fixed her

here to wake you up because I am this super nice and pretty best friend that doesn't want you to be late at

That changed my mood easily. Guess

"Sorry 'bout that Tash."

my way to the bathroom leaving my best

this super cute dress because she said I should look pretty and presentable. Not that I'm not already you know. Ha-ha! Hey, are you listening? And do you

to wear." I opened the shower

We'll be going to

chose us," I shouted through the

"And we will choose."

don't have a say on it." I can't believe she finds all this

spoiling my

Nope, no spoiling because there is no good from anything

I can imagine her pouting, like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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