Barely Breathing

Chapter 40: Little troublemaker

Xyrus opened the door and I followed. Alpha Caden and Luna Fae were already seated at the long table. In front of them were three men, all wearing neat white shirts but with dried blood on their faces and body.

The one in the middle has that clever look, his eyes burning with rage. He must be in his 60s with gray hair and wrinkles on his forehead.

The one on his right was young, probably in his early 30s. He has a good built and the way he seated with his back straight was something. He looks proud and prideful despite the red claw marks on his arms that were already starting to heal.

The last one was on his way to the 40s. He has the calmest facade of the three. Not tense at all, or maybe he was too good at hiding emotions.

Gabbiel and Carter were leaning on the wall behind the three. Guarding them I supposed. Gabbiel bowed his head mouthing 'Luna' and Carter simply gave me a small smile.

"Willow are you alright?" Luna Fae stood and gave me a quick hug. She held me at arm's length and inspected my injuries which were already healing. "Oh dear, we have to go to the doctor."

"I'm fine," I assured her. "I will see her after this."

Hesitation crossed her pretty face but resigned with. "Alright then."

She assisted me to the chair beside her while Xyrus seated on my left.

Xyrus cleared his throat and addressed the three. "It is an honor to have you here with us."

"As prisoners you mean." The prideful one says disgustingly, sneering at Xyrus. He looked like he would jump any moment and attacked Xyrus. Gabbiel and Carter stood straighter, alarmed.

"Caleb." The calmest of the three called out, getting his attention. There is a threat laced on it. "This will be the last time I'm warning you."

Caleb growled at him to which the one in the middle raised his hand, probably to stop an argument brewing between the two.

said. He seemed nicer than the

loss of your people nor do

do know that."

what do we expect from the mighty prince Xyrus, oh is

unaffected. Something tells me they know each

from us?" The

him. "Theodore. Have you

Theodore insulted back. "If not for you and Nicholas, this war

war is a majority vote." Donovan corrected him. "Now be like a true

Alpha Caden directed at

thank me yet Alpha," Donovan assured. "We haven't agreed

why did we have to end

son you fool!" Caleb burst. "He was the one who

He closed his

word coming from you Caleb and I swear you will join the others at the

but surprisingly did say no more. He leaned on his seat,

war so willingly but you left us no choice." He argued. "Xyrus has breached

and threatened my Luna, what do you expect me to do? " Xyrus

to that damn contract by not killing anyone as you

is done. "Alpha Caden sighed. " All of us can't play the victim here. We all have blood in our hands and the

the table. "What is best is to treat wounds rather than

you, that's a promise." But then, he

much as harm anyone of my pack again, there will be another war, and this time

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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