He rubbed one hand over the smooth crown of his mask. When he spoke he kept his head down. “You will, at least until the game is done. But understand now I have to satisfy my own needs. I will do things to you that may hurt you or scare you. You trust me, and I am trusting you to use your safe word when needed.”

“I’m not afraid.” But her voice shook.

“You should be.” He stood and cupped her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “You should be, because I’ve never tasted anything as sweet as your submission, and it makes me want to push you harder.”

“I’m willing, Master.”

He hesitated and Mae wondered what he was waiting for—all she needed was the chance to show him that she was willing, that she could submit in a way that would fulfill them both.

Xavier walked away, plucking some things off a table along the wall.

“For the rest of the night you will not speak unless spoken to. You will keep your gaze down unless I give you permission to look at me.” With each word his tone hardened until it was almost as if he were a stranger—a cold, menacing stranger. “At no time will you attempt to cover yourself, or otherwise interfere with what I’m doing.

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master Xavier.” Mae curled her fingers around the edges of the chair, keeping her gaze down.

“Spread your knees. You are not to close your legs unless I give you permission. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

He grabbed her hair, jerking her head back. Mae yelped at the unexpected pain, but she opened her thighs, spreading her legs until her knees were on either side of the seat.

pussy, just hard enough to make her glad for

rough, nothing like the elegant bondage from this afternoon. With a jerk, Master Xavier lifted and folded her arms, pushing her bound wrists down until her hands were behind her neck. He tied the trailing ends of the rope to one of the rungs of the chair back, the tension on the rope strong enough that she had to arch her upper body to relieve the

and Mae suddenly knew what was about

through the braid itself. Mae started to protest, but the words didn’t come. He’d ordered her to remain silent, and so she didn’t speak as he tied the rope now woven and knotted through her hair to the upper rung of the chair, further reinforcing the

ensuring she couldn’t scoot forward, and finally he bound her legs open, looping rope around first her left knee, then around the back of the chair,

what he’d put her through earlier, Mae felt it more acutely. The scratchy rope and rough handling made

his need, brought a flush of arousal to Mae’s skin and calmed her racing heart. She wanted him to use her

Mae flinched. With her head pulled back, she couldn’t see much except the ceiling. Xavier appeared in her field of vision. Unsure how to keep her gaze downcast

a figure eight pattern on her chest above the edge of her lace top. Mae

“Open your eyes, Red.”

He held up his hand, showing her the whip he held. It was at least three feet long, with a soft flexible tail at the end that he’d folded back and was holding in place at the handle. Despite her resolve to be strong, she let

whip trembled, while the flexible end snapped out, cracking in the air. “The shaft is composite and the lash is braided nylon, designed to

was ready and she managed to stay

not designed for play. It’s not even something they keep on hand here. I purchased this from an

Master Xavier,” she

when I whip a submissive, I want a carefully crafted tool. I want

used the tip of the stiff part to trace patterns along her upraised arms, tugging at her lace sleeves. The whip teased her nipples, which despite her fear were stiff, the left still

the legs of the chair scraping against the tile from the force of her movement. Though she was afraid, her body betrayed her enjoyment

you want it, beg me, Red. Beg me

“Please, Master, please.”

“Please what?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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