She could tell he was tense, that he didn’t really like being chained up, or she suspected, not having his mask on.

“You want a sub who’s obedient.” Mae inched back toward the controls.


“And doesn’t backtalk? Or speak unless spoken to?”

“Yes.” Now he sounded wary.

“Then maybe this is the perfect time for me…” Mae tapped the buttons until she put a few feet of slack in each of the chains holding up his arms. When she had them where she wanted them, she locked the controls. Xavier growled and folded his still-chained arms. “To be the kind of sub you don’t want.”

“Right now you’re not being submissive at all.”

“Oh I am, because I know that when you do get free I’m going to be in trouble, but between now and then you’re mine.” She found a chair and dragged it over in front of him.

“You’re mine,” he countered.

“Then maybe we should belong to each other.”

They stared at one another, tension taking the place of teasing. When he didn’t say anything, Mae took a seat and forced herself to ignore the way her heart was breaking. She leaned back and braced her bare feet on his chest.

“You brought me my shoes.”

“You keep leaving them. Like Cinderella.” He grabbed her ankles, jerking her forward until her ass was on the edge of the chair.

“I don’t mean to.” Mae inched her feet apart and his gaze dropped to the apex of her thighs. She may have set up the positions, have made it clear what she wanted, but she wasn’t brave enough to order him to pleasure her.

Luckily, she didn’t have to.

Xavier knelt, the slack she’d put in the chain enough that he could do so, but now his arms were slightly raised, wrists by his ears, meaning he couldn’t use his hands for much.

“Come closer, Cinderella,” he whispered in that deep voice. For a moment Mae was frozen, unable to reconcile her mental picture of him, which included the mask, with the face looking back at her. Then their gazes met, and his green eyes were the same. Mae hooked one leg behind his neck, pulling him toward her.

“Why don’t you come here?”

Xavier lowered his face between her legs and Mae stopped thinking.

* * *

“Undo the cuffs, Red.”

In a post-orgasmic stupor, Mae reached out and undid the clip on one cuff, her body reacting to her Master’s command. The sound of chain rattling as it swung free was enough to snap her back into focus.

“Uh oh.”

Mae looked at Xavier’s free hand and scrambled to get away, but it was too late. Her Master caught her, dragging her to the ground and pinning her down with a knee over her legs while he unfastened his other hand. He hauled her up, holding her tight around the waist with one arm as he freed his legs, then pulled her to her feet.

times did you come,

“I lost count, Master.”

back by the hair.

“Lost count?”

was a hint of amusement in it. “No,

a little bit

back to their little room, and spent the next few hours reminding her

the future, or about

* * *

me.” Xavier stroked Mae’s thigh. She was cuddling on his lap, her worn-out

all the items on

could have. They’d spent all day together, but Xavier hadn’t wanted

“So next weekend?”

stroked her hair. “No. I might not

that’s not

not it will be nine months.

to wait for you…for


not to play with anyone else when you’ve

don’t want anyone else touching

imagine being with anyone else. And I don’t just mean for BDSM play.”

himself, he said, “You’ll have to remember this can’t mean we have

as a

mean in

“I still don’t understand.”

be bonded is an emotional commitment, not just a physical one. That

She sighed. “You’re married.”

ensure not only that members had clear understandings with their husbands and wives, but also kept Las

won’t get married for the same reason I

surprise, but she didn’t say anything. It would be better, for both of them, if he kept quiet, but he couldn’t stop himself from adding, “There are reasons I’ve chosen to live my

it was not the easy silence of a moment ago. After

days,” she whispered. “How can everything

knew.” He took a breath, let it out. “Wait for me,

“Yes, Master.”

Palmas and Mae was getting dressed. He’d ordered

So she would wait.

* * *

to the older man as he closed his overnight

the club’s patrons were concerned. Most people arrived between three and six pm on Friday nights and stayed

or he’d gotten up early and already participated in a hot and sweaty scene. As

and a vest, he turned to

don’t know who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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