Be My Mate

Chapter 16- Meet The Family

Sabrina's POV

We walk out of his room and down the long glassy stairs. Their home was very shiny. Tall windows and big shiny chandeliers. The stair railings were diamond encrusted and crazy shiny, it felt like I was in a princess castle. The stairs went on forever, as I imagine the daunting task of climbing up these stairs after hours of training.

At the bottom of the stairs was a smirking Luka. He held a glint of mischief in him that I knew I'd hate, it was in his demeanor, his smile.

Everything about him annoyed me even though he looked handsome, he was the annoying little brother that we all read of somewhere.

"Ah Your Serene Highness.." Luka says before bowing his head in respect. I don't know this kid at all but I know damn well that this is all an act.

"It's just Sabrina." I say as we stop to stand next to him. Luka looks at my mark and back at me, smiling from ear to ear.

"Oh no! I dare not!" He says before walking away with a smile.

"Oh! Btw, that's what the earthlings say on text right? Yeah! Mom invited Jane." Luka says as he walks on.

Aiden growls in response, which piques my interest. Who is this Jane?

We follow Luka, as we walk in to a room, a dining room with food covering the table. They had everything you could think of for breakfast.

Cereal to toast, cheese to beans.

There was an Aiden look alike, who was older and seated at the head of the table. That would definitely be his father with what looks like a permanent scowl on his face. Next to him was a woman draped in diamonds and a white dress, her perfume overtaking the smell of all the delicious food stacked on the table. Now, she was definitely the interior designer of this home. What gave it away?

Next to the perfume lady was a girl around my age, with long blonde hair and green eyes. She was dressed preppy and girly, almost as if she raided the closet from Clueless. This must be Jane, with the way she looked longingly at Aiden.

I felt a pang of jealousy try to bubble up but I killed it before I embarrass myself in front of Aiden's family.

way. Now I was

the girl was Luka, already biting in to some bacon and the perfume lady scowling at him. As soon as they see me, they all stand. The one sitting at the head, standing reluctantly  but he stood up to

Aiden says

my mate, Sabrina, our moon goddess." Aiden says to me. All their eyes move from Aiden's to

is quiet, all I can hear are heartbeats and some

Finally decided to give my son a chance huh?" The man, whom I'm guessing is Aiden's father

my father. My mother next to him. You've met my brother, Luka. This is Leslie, his

about Jane brother. She came here for you..." Luka teases and

Jane." He says as

meet Aiden's friends. Maybe you can tell me more about him because I don't think Luka will be of any help?"


doesn't say anything at all. Aiden helps me to my chair and sits next to me, dishing up for

up her own food." His mother

and I want to do

her eyes on me, as the utensils I'm using clink on the plate, her eyes never faltering as

the yolk of uneasiness that was burdened on my

she has aged because she didn't really

you grow up without a mother and

was lacking if that's what you think. My mother left us when I was still so young but I had a loving

She asks, Jane and

show. There's that mischief again, that spark in his eyes as he smiles at me before I answer his

Percy but he rejected me for an alphas daughter because at that time, I thought I was just a beta's daughter." I say but she shakes

not possible because you were already mated to my son." Aiden's

sure I stayed on earth and by that, she paired me with an earthling." I say and Aiden's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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