The weeks passed, slowly being cooped up in their little cabin. Stanton had been forced to go back to work, so Aurora spent many of her days alone in their cabin. At night when Stanton was home, they would have a nice meal and then snuggle on the couch watching movies. Well, that was at least the intent. Most of the time, they had to restart the movie because the same none of it between the heated sessions.

When they were sure they were in the clear and that Aurora wasn’t giving off a scent that would drive the other males out of their minds, she finally got to go out. Stanton took her to a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant. They then went to a movie. All in all, it had been a good night.

Winter had come upon them, and there was snow everywhere. The ski lodges in Aspen were making a killing, and all the hotels were booked solid. Restaurants required reservations, and traffic was congested with tourists. Since the garden, Aurora had nothing to do, and she could only reclean the cabin so many times until there was literally nothing left for her to do.

She needed a job, a real job. She spent her days sitting with Stanton’s laptop, searing jobs in and around Aspen. She was reading an ad for housekeepers when there was a knock at the door. She stood up from the table and walked over to the door. Opening the door, she came face to face with Darrell. In his hands, he held a bouquet of flowers. Aurora eyed him suspiciously.

“Stanton isn’t here,” she told him, getting ready to close the door and lock it if she had to.

“I didn’t come to see Stanton. I came to see you.”


He lowered his gaze with what looked like shame. “I wanted to apologize for what happened… and what nearly happened. I feel really awful about attacking you. I know it doesn’t make it right, but please understand I was not in my right mind. If I were, I would have never done that. That’s not me. That’s not who I am. I’ve never done that before. It was like an out-of-body experience. It’s like I could see myself doing it, but I couldn’t stop myself.”

Aurora felt a little bad for him. She knew he hadn’t been in control at the time. The morning after the incident, Stanton had explained in depth the details and the biology behind what had happened. She understood that Darrell and the other two had not been in control of their minds at the time. It seemed petty to hold it against him, and he was there apologizing. She could understand why he hadn’t come sooner. He wanted to make sure she was no longer in heat before he dared to be within striking distance to prevent a repeat incident. She supposed she could cut him a little slack.

Aurora reached out and accepted the flowers. “You’re forgiven,” she told him.

Darrell smiled. “Thank you,” he said happily. “I can’t tell you how bad I’ve felt about attacking you and setting you up.”

“What?” Aurora asked. “What do you mean setting me up?”

“Oh… um…” He now had the deer in the headlights look. Like he realized he’d said something he shouldn’t have. He clearly had no idea what to say now.

“What do you mean setting me up?”

“Oh, look at the time I have to get back to work,” he said, taking out his cellphone to check the time. “I am backlogged like crazy. I’ll see you later.”

Aurora tossed the flowers on the floor and grabbed Darrel by his work jacket, and spun Darrell, slamming him back against the door. She glared up at him. “Talk.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Spill your guts, or I’ll spill then for you.”

“Darrell shrugged her off and fixed his jacket. “Ok, promise me you won’t get mad,” that alone almost guaranteed she would get mad.

“Talk… now…” She growled.

get sick of his ugly mug and that a pretty face might turn your head and take you away from him. His insecurity was really messing with his head. So… and here’s the funny part… he might have asked… you’re going to laugh so hard… he asked me to hit on you to test you…

that day, you came over. That

“He asked me to.”


friend. I couldn’t say

you weren’t genuinely coming

I would have never poached his girl,” her jaw clenched, and



“So much trouble.”

“Can I leave now?”

“Get out.”

and looked back at her. “You and me, we’re good, though, right?”

“Go!” Aurora growled.

got into the truck and left. Aurora crossed her arms as she thought about what she had just learned.


shower, a hot meal, and a quiet night on the couch with Aurora. He dropped his gear at the door and kicked off his boots. They were working on a new site, and the ground was frozen. He was tired, and

saw Aurora packing a suitcase by the bed. Months ago, he had bought her some new clothes since she had so little and nothing suitable for her new life. “What’s

glad you’re home. We need to talk,” she said, putting the closed suitcase down on the floor. “I have something difficult to tell you. Cowboy came over today with flowers, and he apologized and…” She blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear as she smiled

could barely breathe.

he was dying inside. Suddenly Aurora’s smile was gone, her arms were crossed, and

Stanton was confused. “What?”

Test me because you don’t

about that?”


was stupid, but I had to know. I was losing my mind thinking someone better looking could take you from me,” he said. He now realized the suitcase was all for show. It was an act to punish him. Aurora wasn’t really walking out on him. “It’s just you are so amazing, and you look amazing and I… I…” He hung his head, “I don’t. I mean, people cross the street to avoid me. Small children cry when they see me. How am I supposed to keep a woman like you? It doesn’t matter how long we are together. How am I ever supposed to be secure when literally every man we come across is looking to take my place. How long until you realize you can do way better than me?”

“You’re right.”

leery of how quickly

felt his heart sink. “And, I want you,” she said, moving closer. Aurora lay her hand to his chest. “I only want you. I want you because you aren’t like other men. You were the only one to have ever treated me with any consideration. The only man in the world that didn’t see me as an object. I love you, Big Daddy, but the only way this thing between us is ever going to work is if you

delight. “You love me?” That was

course, I love you, you big dumb ox,” she giggled.

love you too, Hummingbird,” he said, taking Aurora in his arms. “I’ve always loved

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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