“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Darrell complained as they made the walk to the park behind the buildings from the parking lot. They could already hear the music. Blaring. “We really shouldn’t have come. It is going to rain. Look at those dark clouds.”

“Will the rain put an end to the party?”


“Then we are still going,” Katelyn said, dragging him around the building. As they reached the park, Katelyn was amazed. “Look at them all,” there were men and women of all ages. Jumping around to loud music. It was like walking into a rave. “This is it? This doesn’t seem so bad.”

“They haven’t done anything yet.”

Katelyn grabbed both of Darrell’s hands and dragged him into the crowd. “Let’s dance.”

“What is this?” A woman hissed, and slowly the party died, and the whole pack was circling Darrell and Katelyn. Katelyn noticed a middle-aged woman with short blond hair step forward from the disapproving crowd. “You brought a human into our midst. You expose what we are.”

“She knows what we are. She doesn’t care,” Darrell snapped, putting himself protectively in front of Katelyn.

“Melissa is right,” Gordon said, stepping forward. “She shouldn’t be here,” he said, pointing at Katelyn. Humans don’t belong in Feral. She can’t stay.”

“She’s my girlfriend,” Darrell lied.

Suddenly everyone laughed. “You really expect me to believe that. Yesterday she was your prisoner. Suddenly now she’s your girl? I don’t buy it. Even if I did, I wouldn’t approve,” Gordon said.

“We fuck humans all the time.”

“So then fuck her. We don’t bring humans into the pack!” Gordon growled. “I don’t want to see her in Feral again. I have coddled you enough. Get rid of her, or I will,” Gordon’s eyes began to glow as he bared his fangs.

“She goes where I go,” Darrell said, squaring off against Gordon. His own eyes were lighting up the night as he bared his fangs.

Suddenly someone grabbed Katelyn. She looked over to see Aurora pulling her back. “You may want to back up,” Aurora told her. “Move to a safe distance.”

“I warned you, boy. I will kill her,” Gordon growled, and he started to undress.

“You will have to go through me first,” Darrell said, also removing his clothes until both men were just wearing their pants.

“So be it.”

Both men dropped on all fours as they let the change take over. Seconds later, two snarling wolves stood where the men had once been. She recognized the massive tanned wolf to be Darrell, but the big black wolf opposite of him had to be Gordon. He was intimidated.

Both beasts bared their teeth, and then Gordon attacked Darrell, knocking him onto his side. Darrell rolled and kicked with his paws as his jaws snapped at Gordon’s leg. They rolled and clawed at one another. It was a mess of teeth and fur as each tried to get the upper hand.

Katelyn stayed back as she watched the wolves go at one another. They were rolling and flipping, biting and scratching. It was hard to tell who was who as they viciously attacked one another. Her very life hung on the outcome of this fight. If Darrell won, she would live, but if the other one won, she would most certainly die.

There was blood now, and after a few minutes, both animals limped away, whimpering. One dropped amongst the group, and the other crawled along the ground toward her and then dropped on its side next to her. It was panting hard, and she watched him revert to his human form.

Right before her eyes, Darrell was lying next to her, his naked body covered in scratches and bite marks. There was blood and mud everywhere. Katelyn could not see Gordon; people had already surrounded him. The men and women Katelyn now knew as Darrell’s friends rushed over and surrounded them. Charlotte was on her knees, holding her brother’s hand. “You stupid, stubborn moron,” she snapped.

Stanton took off his jacket and dropped it over Darrell to offer him what little modesty they could. “Pick him up, Big Daddy,” Aurora ordered as she retrieved what was left of Darrell’s clothes, “let’s get him home.”

Stanton lifted Darrell into his arms like he was a child and headed for the parking lot. Katelyn followed. As they passed through the collected pack, Katelyn saw the other man as his friend and daughter offered him first aid. He looked in bad shape, and Katelyn was not exactly sure who had won.

put Darrell in his SUV, with Charlotte joining them. Katelyn and Aurora drove Darrell’s truck the ten minutes back to his house. Parking in the driveway, she followed as his friends took him from the SUV and to his bad. Charlotte pulled

to Katelyn and slapped her across the face. “This is your fault,” she barked. “Because of you, two good men tried to kill each

Katelyn. “Calm down; we don’t need another

the voice of reason,” Aurora said from the door. “Everyone just needs to calm down,” she said, looking at Charlotte. “Charlotte, go get some first aid supplies,” it took a minute, but Charlotte descended the stairs leaving

how Gordon is doing,” Lewis said,

into the washroom

not know what to do. “Go on,” Charlotte instructed. “This is your fault. He

because of him,” Katelyn snapped. “He brought me

it been up to us, we would have killed you in that alley right along with that hunter. He’s the only reason you haven’t had your throat ripped out days ago,” Charlotte snarled. “So, show some fucking gratitude,” Charlotte said,

just upset,” Aurora said, trying to defuse the fight. “He’s going to be fine,” Aurora

if he does, you will never make it to sunrise,” then

had passed out on the way to the cabin, and now he was unconscious and vulnerable. Katelyn brushed his damp hair away from his eyes and ran the cloth over his face gently. He was still breathing, so she assumed Darrell had won,

the long deep scratches. There was a large bite at the base of his neck. He was in bad shape, and she honestly was not sure he

for something to close the wounds. What he really needed was a hospital, but she did not think she could convince anyone to take him. Finding what looked like an upholstery needle and some fishing line, Katelyn decided to stitch his wound closed herself. She threaded the fishing line through the eye of the needle, and then with a calming sigh and a shaky hand, she punctured the skin and proceeded

It had taken over an hour to stitch him back up and washed him clean so the wounds would not become infected. As she went about her task, she had time to think about what Charlotte had said. Though he

and gently caressed his face. She knew she should fear him. Only her pulse flutter

vicious growl rumbled in his throat. Oh God, he was going to kill her! “It is me!” She cried, hoping he would stop before doing her harm.

his neck. Darrell tossed back the blanket and got up naked. Katelyn turned her back to him, feeling her cheeks blush. She had known

into the washroom, Darrell looked at his wounds in the mirror. Unable to control her urges, Katelyn turned her head just enough to see him standing in front of the mirror, running

kitchen. Katelyn diverted her eyes once more, pretending like she had not just been staring. “Did you do this?” He asked, running his fingers over the stitches


“How did

“Stanton carried you.”

shrugged. She had no idea what condition he was in. Darrell walked back up the stairs to the bed and, in great pain, lowered himself onto the mattress. “Well, we are

should really go to a hospital,” she insisted, and Katelyn crawled across the bed and placed her hand on his forehead.

fine,” he said, pushing her hand away. “This time tomorrow, all my

the perks of being

say so,” he smiled.

a half-hearted smile. “I’m sorry. I

situation is you know what they are. They know that you know. They fear that you will expose

could just leave right

just hunt

would they find

follow your

“Like a dog?”

grinned. “One of the perks,”

just smell me, even



goosebumps again but for a whole other reason. “The very smell of


her eyes fluttered shut as a shiver went down her spine and to her very core. “Like sweet Champaign with a hint of rose,” he whispered against her ear. She could not believe it. He could still smell her perfume even though she had not put it on in over two days ago and showered since. “Mixed with Irish spring,” she heard him chuckle. “I have

eyes as he pulled back just far enough to look in her eyes

I can,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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