"What are you doing?" Manuel’s eyes squinted as his gaze fell everywhere in my small, messy room while Stella was holding his arms to stop him from stepping inside.

"I’m looking for some of my money. But I found it already. I just misplaced it." I answered nonchalantly as I began picking up my clothes from the floor and began folding them.

"Stop with your lies. Were you in the kitchen earlier?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course. I’ve been everywhere in this house. What’s going on?" I turned around and placed my hands on my hips as I tapped my foot on the wooden floor, my eyes shifting back and forth between them as if I was impatient to hear their replies.

"Nothing, dear. I need help with dinner. Can you come down and give this old lady a hand before the pups come and attack me from hunger?" Stella spoke sweetly, but I saw worry and concern in her eyes.

Something was about to happen.

"Sure. I’ll just pick all these up and throw them on my bed, then I’ll go down. Just five minutes."

"Okay." She smiled widely as she tugged her mate away from my room, but Manuel was still looking at me. And I knew that the look he was giving me - he didn’t believe a word I said. He knew I was up to something.

To hell with him.

The moment the door closed, I grabbed the backpack from under the blanket and locked my door before I pulled my window up and scouted the grounds below. The locked door would buy me some time if they decided to come back and check on me.

My bedroom faced the back of the orphanage, but two floors down was one of the receiving rooms, the one often used for guests. If there was no one in there, no one would see me jumping down from baluster to baluster.

This was not the first time I jumped and crawled out of my bedroom window, so I didn’t have to be terrified about falling. I just needed not to be seen.

I swung the backpack over my shoulders and climbed out of the window. My hands clutched my window sill as I swung my foot down until I reached the upper doorframe of the room below mine. I used it as leverage and pushed my body up to jump, landing perfectly on the balcony of the old library that no one visited except for me.

I dusted off my hands and checked if there were lights in the receiving room down below, and my heart dropped in disappointment when I saw lights illuminating the window.

I bit my bottom lip, chewing it as I thought of my next move when a voice from the top snapped me out of my thoughts.

"She’s running away!" Manuel’s voice erupted in the thin air, making me snap my head back and I saw him pointing at me from my window.

think as I jumped off the balcony from the second floor and landed on the dusty ground

eyes locked with a tall man with a long beard. His forehead creased, but I didn’t have

too fast for my usual run. It reminded me of the speed I used when I was running away from the demon

fast, but it was nothing compared to the wolves running

the sound

I just needed to take it off

I need


to my side as the wolves behind me overtook my run and ended up

wolf, and I was thrown back in an instant. My ass hit the ground with a loud

broke my spine.

laying down on the dirt with my eyes closed and my chest heaving. I wondered if my small backpack was enough

I knew they must be

to see a bulky naked man looking down at me with his dick

just remained still, wondering if I

"What’s your name?"

me, but had no intention of

not listening earlier? Lucy. Her name is

other dick was crouched on my side, just beside my head, so if I tilted my face in his direction, I was sure I would see the thing he wanted to show off. "Listen. We will take you and prepare you for the Omega Feast. Now be a good girl and no more

part of the Feast." I blurted out as

Omega. And if you try to run away,

trying to

to tell you what

⇜ ♡♡♡ ⇝

get to say goodbye to Stella or the pups at the orphanage. The men who caught me

Manuel was with them, and he blatantly told them that I was stubborn and that they needed to watch out for me because I would surely try to

just rolled my eyes with my arms crossed against my chest as the man he talked with assured him that I was not the first

the underworld than the things around here. Nothing could scare me. Except for a broken spine, which fortunately didn’t

scared, I needed to pretend that I was. Or they might find out that I was not an ordinary

car with me were in full silence. So I took it as an invitation to rest my eyes and think about my life. I leaned my body and head back on the soft cushion and closed my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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