53 Went to Hell

Lily POV

I link Amelia and Lincoln “Neal has found a warlock in the woods near the border.” Lincoln growls “I’m on my way.” “That really isn’t necessary Lincoln, I have bound his powers. He insists that he means the pack no harm and he is only here to help us deal with Lucas.” “How do we know this isn’t part of Lucas’s plan” he asks me. “We don’t, but he is powerless right now and I think it is worth speaking to him to figure out if he is lying.” “We will meet you outside the hospital to speak with him” Lincoln says and cuts the link. We lead him toward the pack hospital in silence. I can feel his anxiety and worry as we make our way. When we arrive, Lincoln and Amelia are waiting for us. I can feel Lincoln’s aura and if I was this man, I would be scared sh*tless. We come to stand next to Amelia and Lincoln. “This is Alpha Lincoln and Luna Amelia of the Nightfire pack.” He bows to show respect before Lincoln starts to speak.

Lincoln POV

what if he had reached a pack member and hurt them or worse, killed them? “We will be back”, Amelia says to everyone in the room bringing me out of the rant I’m having in my own mind. Michael must know by my face that something is up. “What’s going on, Lincoln” Michael links me. I retell him what Lily told us, letting him know what’s going on. “I’ll come with you.” “No, stay, your mate needs you here and he has no powers right now.” “Let me know if you need me, Lincoln” he says, and I nod. We leave the hospital room and Amelia stops me in the hallway. She wraps her arms around me and I bury my head in her neck, breathing in her scent. When I pull back, both Talon and I feel calmer. “Thank you, love for knowing exactly what I need.” “You never have to thank me for loving you. I understand why you’re upset, but no one was hurt. I don’t believe that anyone let this happen on purpose.

moments later, a man comes through the trees, followed by Lily and Neal. I push my aura forward, making sure he knows that I am the Alpha of this pack. When he is a few feet from us, he stops dropping his head. Once Lily makes the introduction I speak. “What is your name?” He never looks at me but answers. “My name is Leland Stone.” “Why have you entered our pack without permission?” “Alpha, I swear I mean no harm to you, your Luna, or your pack.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” “Now answer the question before I lose my patience.” “As I explained I am purely here to help you deal with Lucas Williams.” “Who are you to Lucas?” “I am the second in command of the Black Rose Coven.” “So, you are Lucas’s second

imagine what it took for him to leave his mate here so she would be safe. I smile and Amelia wraps her arm in mine. “She is and we will take you to her in a moment.” He smiles like he has just won the lottery. “I’m going to allow Lily to unbind your powers, but understand if at any time you pose a threat to my

Leland POV

they are going to take me to Teresa, I feel relief like I have never known. I worried I would never see her again, let alone touch her. Once we reach the room, I waste no time going to her bedside. She smiles as I take her hand. “I’m so glad you’re alright, you had me losing my mind Teresa.” “I’m fine” she says and I raise her hand to my lips. I hear someone clear their throat and I look over at a smiling Pheobe. “Hello Leland” she says. “Pheobe, it’s good to see you again” I say and I hear a growl from the man standing near her. She’s mated to a wolf. I remember Teresa telling me that when she confided in me where Pheobe was. “Leland, this is my mate, Michael.” I reach out my hand

“Good brother, now Lucas has ordered the attack for dusk tomorrow.” “Excellent, I take it that means he believed

Lance POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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