Chapter 82

16 Complete

Michael POV

We reach the human city after about twenty minutes. I pray that we have no problems getting Troy and his family back to the pack. After Lincoln told me what was going on, there is no telling what that ba**ard Grant is willing to do to get what he wants. We arrive at the address that Lincoln gave me. I brought Micah and Mason along with two of the pack warriors. As we walk toward the door, Jaxon growls. “There are pack wolves nearby. I catch their scent on the wind.” I turn back to my sons. “We need to get them out of here right now.” I turn to the warriors. “Stay here and link me if you see any wolves.” I bang on the door and when it opens I usher the man inside before I even tell him why we’re here. I know it’s probably not the best idea as he isn’t a little man, but I can’t risk something happening to him.

“What the hell are you doing in my house” he growls and his eyes turn black. “Troy, we are no threat to you or your family. You are in danger. We are here to protect you and get you all out of here.” I look past him at a woman who has her arms wrapped around two identical pups. “They are in danger. I am here to get you all to safety.” He turns looking at the woman and pups. When he turns back, his eyes are back to their normal color. “How do I know that Grant didn’t send you here?” “I am the Beta of the Nightfire pack and my Alpha sent me to protect you and your family.” I hear voices outside. “We need to go now. Grant’s wolves are here.” “My family cannot fight wolves. I won’t take them out there to be killed.” “They won’t have to fight and I promise you we will keep them safe.” I turn to Micah and Mason, “take them to the pack and make sure you take them right to Lincoln.” They walk over and stick out their hands to the woman and pups.

“You need to go with them, Troy. We will handle the wolves outside.” “You’re not making any sense. If we go outside they will attack us.” “My sons are hybrids. They have powers and will take you to the Nightfire pack.” I hear voices getting louder and a growl comes from outside. “Troy, we don’t have time to talk this over. They are here to take you and make no mistake, they will follow the Alpha’s orders no matter who gets hurt.” He walks toward my sons and reaches out his hand. Seconds later, they are all gone. I walk toward the front door and once I’m outside, the men seem to quiet in my presence. I’m sure they sense that I am a Beta. There are five men and I’m not worried about defending ourselves against them. I’m worried about these a**holes exposing our kind to the humans that live in the surrounding houses.

have no issue with you, Beta, but we have orders to follow.” “What exactly are your orders?” “I mean no disrespect but that is none of your concern.” I step forward and lower my voice. “We have orders too and I promise you that your Alpha isn’t the type of man you should be following. Now, we will be leaving and I suggest that you learn what kind of leader Grant Hoffner really is before you take any more orders.” They growl and start to walk toward us. That’s when I notice a woman and young girl walking out of their house across the street. I wave at the woman and little girl, hoping these a**holes will back off. They turn and look across the street. When they look back at us, they begin to back up. “This isn’t over” he says in a whisper. Once we are in the SUV,

Evelyn POV

ask my pups questions about the past Eli and I don’t know how that will make Clara feel if you are here.” Clara smiles “Eli knows my past and I want him to stay while we talk.” I nod and Amelia leaves with Lincoln. “I don’t need the exact details but I need to know what happened to the two of you after that ba**ard gave you to the rogue.” Clara looks at Cayden and then back at me. “We were used as slaves in the collective. Franklin made sure that we were kept weak so that we could not

because nothing else matters. We can’t change the past.” She stands and I wrap her in a hug. I hold my daughter like I never got to when she was a pup. “I love you, Clara. You’re right, we need to focus

Cayden POV

“When dad came to me I had an uneasy feeling when he was talking about Clara’s future. I felt like he was telling me something might happen to her. How can I not

that something might happen, they will live in fear until it does. If this was something that you could change, I don’t believe that your father would have been so vague. Knowing your father the way I did, he probably wasn’t even supposed to tell you anything about the goddess’s plan. Your sister and Eli deserve to be happy for however long the goddess sees fit. Despite all that’s happened Cayden, I still believe the goddess tries her best to give us our happiness. Evil people are the problem, not the goddess. If she has a plan for your sister, there is nothing we are going to do to stop

Clara POV

me into his arms. “I’m so happy that Cayden is safe and that your mother is here with us. I promise you that we will deal with Franklin and Grant.” “I don’t want to think about them right now. Having them here is a miracle. The goddess is truly amazing.” “Do you want to shower, first love”, Eli asks, and I’m confused for a moment. “Eli, nothing has changed about what’s happening tonight.” He walks over and places his hand on my cheek. “Clara, I’m sure that you have a hundred thoughts going on in your mind. I want to make you mine with every fiber of my being,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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