Chapter 120

54 Cinnamon and Mate

Larisa POV

I can’t believe he is really here. I knew things had changed between us, but I never expected him to come for me. I see concern flash across his handsome face but a knock on the door stops me from asking him what’s going on in his mind. The pack doctor steps inside and smiles at me. “Larisa, I’m glad to see you smiling and looking well.” Magnum’s brows furrow and I squeeze his hand. “There is a good reason for that, Dr. Paul. This is my mate, Magnum.” He looks at Magnum “congratulations to both of you on finding your mate.” Magnum’s face softens “thank you.” “I would like to check your vital signs one more time and if everything is normal, I will discharge you.” “Good, I’m ready to get out of here, no offense.” He chuckles “I would never be offended about someone wanting to leave the hospital, Larisa.” Once he is finished checking me over, I link Rose to grab me some comfortable clothes from my room. “Are we going to the coven since they are discharging you” Rose asks and I smile. “I have a surprise for you when you get here” I say and cut the link. “I take it you’re linking someone that makes you smile. Do I need to worry that you’re going to throw me over for the mystery person”, Magnum says, but I can hear the hint of his nerves in the teasing. “Nope, you’re stuck with me. I was linking my best friend Rose to bring me some clean clothes. I want to shower before we head to the pack house.” “Well, that’s my cue to head to the guest room your mom showed us to earlier” Oscar says.

and pressing a soft kiss on my lips. My first kiss and it’s amazing. It’s meant to be gentle, but I still feel it in my core. He pulls back and presses another kiss on my forehead. He pulls back and offers me his hand. He leads me into the bathroom and once I’m inside he turns to the door. “I will bring your clothes in when your friend arrives.” “Thank you, Magnum.” “You never have to thank me for taking care of you Larisa. I plan to spend the rest of our lives doing just that” he says, shutting the door. “Did you hear that he is going to take care

Why do I scent my mate out there?” “Do you know how you were worried that I would be moving away and we wouldn’t be together all the time?” “Larisa, I swear to the goddess if you don’t just tell me what the hell is going on I’m going to kick your a**.” I laugh “my mate is an identical twin. His brother just left for the pack house.” Her eyes get big before the most brilliant smile breaks out on her face. “Let me finish getting dressed so we can go get your man.” She growls and I can see Clara is close to the surface. “Down girl” I say and Rose’s eyes return to their normal hazel color. “Sorry

Rose POV

that I would be the one to tell him about my wolf, but there really hasn’t been a good time. “Hey Rose, Jenn asked if we could have a girls night like we

I reach for the handle and when I open the door the scent is even stronger. I step inside and a man I’ve never seen turns to me. I immediately know he’s a vampire. Holy sh*t is this Larisa’s vampire. “I assume you are Larisa’s friend.” I nod and he smiles. “My name is Magnum. I am Larisa’s beloved.” “I’m Rose, Larisa’s best friend.” “It’s very nice to meet you Rose. I can take those” he says, reaching for the clothes. “Actually, I need to talk to Larisa” I say making a beeline for the bathroom. As soon as I’m inside, my mind is going a mile a minute.

knees weak. Larisa knocks and when the door opens the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen is standing there. Despite the fact that Magnum and this man are twins, they are very different. Magnum has a more authoritative and brooding aura about him, whereas my mate’s aura is gentle and kind. “Oscar, I have someone I would like you to meet. This is my best friend, Rose.” I step forward and the minute our eyes meet I’m wrapped in strong arms. “Seems it’s good you came with me, brother”, I hear Magnum say from behind me. Oscar pulls back but keeps his arm wrapped around me. “Larisa and I are going to give you two sometime to get to know each other. We have some things to discuss”, Magnum says, and I see a flash

Magnum POV

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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