Chapter 123

57 The Challenge

Larisa POV

Did she just challenge me for my mate? Magnum’s hand tightens on mine. I turn to see the woman from earlier that was shooting me dirty looks with a huge smirk on her face. Magnum releases my hand and before I can stop him, he has the woman by the throat against the wall. She is doing everything she can to loosen his grip on her, but her attempts are futile. I lay my hand on Magnum’s arm. “Let her go, Magnum” I say and his eyes snap to mine. I’m grateful when he drops her on the floor. She is gasping for air as she tries to move away from him. I bend so I am eye to eye with her. “You cannot challenge me for my mate or position. Not only because I’m not marked, but because he is not a possession. Having said that, I will gladly fight you because you’re stupid enough to challenge me to fight.” I see a smirk spread across her face as she rubs her neck. “Fine, I’m sure he will want me after he sees how pathetic you are mutt.” I can feel the rage radiating off of Magnum. “So, you want this to be a challenge to the death instead of submission” I say making sure that is what she truly wants. She nods and Magnum takes my hand in his. “Does she have any family,” I ask Magnum. I’m shocked to see Glenda step forward. I see sadness in her eyes and my heart breaks for her. “My Queen, she has made her choice. I have told her over and over that she has no right to want something that was never meant for her. Beloveds are sacred and she should have put more effort into finding hers, instead of trying to take yours.”

and you should stand by me no matter what I do. Maybe I’ll kill you traitor a** next.” A growl shakes the room and I turn to see Liam’s eyes are black. “Glenda go to your mate.” She does as I ask and as soon as she reaches him, Liam begins to calm down. I turn back to the woman who has now made it to her feet. “I guess you’ve made your choice” I say before I turn to walk outside the mansion. Magnum follows the two of us out and I can see he isn’t happy that I accepted her challenge, but the coven members will not see me as a leader if I back down from her. Magnum comes to stand in front of me. “You don’t need to do this. You are my beloved and you have nothing to prove.” “I know you have never seen me fight but I’m a warrior and I need to do this. If you want me to stand by your side to rule the coven, they need to know I’m strong. That I will be here to fight and protect them just like I would do for my pack.” The anger that was plaguing his handsome face begins to slip. “You better kill her a** quickly. I have plans for you, my Queen.” He surprises me when he presses his lips to mine. When he pulls back, he winks at me before he steps to my side. I nod

can interfere and it’s not over until someone is dead.” He looks at me and I nod. He looks at Brenda and she nods. He steps back and we both take a fighting stance. “Show this b**ch what’s up”, Ara says, and I can’t help but chuckle at my wolf. We start to circle each other and I wait for her to make the first move. I need to see what kind of fighter she is. She comes closer throwing the first punch, which I easily sidestep. She turns and I punch into her right side. She grunts and manages to back up, trying to steady herself. “You f**king b**ch” she says as she picks her head up. She’s guarding that side and I’m sure I broke some

healing me, but it still hurts like hell. She smiles despite the blood on her face. I’m done with this b**ch. I use my own speed to rush her this time and superman punch her in the face. It knocks her off her feet and I don’t give her a chance to get up this time. I rain punch after punch down on her face. I reach down gripping her throat and her eyes get big. I elongate my claws and rip out her throat. I stand to my feet and drop her flesh on the ground. I look around at the coven members who gathered to watch the challenge. “I am here to be with my mate and protect the coven. I will always protect you, but if you do anything against me, this is your fate” I say pointing to the dead vampire on the ground. All those that are present bow and I nod. “Oscar have the soldiers take care of the body.” He turns to the coven. “I want everyone in the yard at nine tomorrow, no exceptions.” Everyone nods before they

Magnum POV

snap that b**ch’s neck when she challenged Larisa. I finally have my beloved and someone wants to take her from me. I will never let that happen. Watching her fight is the sexiest thing I have ever seen. She seems like such a kind and soft soul, but she is right. She is a warrior. Brenda is a trained soldier and Larisa is kicking her a**. When she finally ends her my body relaxes. I couldn’t be prouder when she addresses the coven, because she is my queen and nothing is going to change that. The vampires can either accept it or die. I have killed for her before and I will do it again. I don’t know why the goddess thought me worthy enough to give me an amazing beloved like Larisa, but I’m grateful she did. I will spend the rest of my days worshiping her like the queen she is. As soon as she’s done speaking, I throw her over my shoulder. I need her more than I need my next breath. I take the steps two at a

be surrounded by your scent. I want this to be the room we share. You can change anything you want about it as long as you share it with me.” “I love this room and I want to share everything with you.” She takes my hand and leads me to the ensuite bathroom. She turns to face me before she pulls her shirt over her head. She pulls her pants down her legs and she is left in lace bra and panties. I can feel my c**k twitch in my pants. She walks over and turns the shower on before she walks back to me. I have never been nervous with a woman, but she isn’t just a woman. She is my beloved. Her hands grip the hem

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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