59 The Coward

Earlier That Day

Jasmine POV

We just finished training and I’m running in wolf form through the woods. As I weave in and out of the trees, I think about how much my life has changed since I left Mateo. Calliope was the only happiness I truly had during that time. I never thought about being Alpha but my daughter was right. I love that the pack knows I will do everything in my power to rule fairly and protect them. Meeting Leo was just icing on my happiness cake. My wolf makes a sound of laughter at my thoughts. Leo is soft and kind. He helps me with my duties and, honestly, his care for the pack is astounding sometimes. I laugh at our last conversation where he referred to himself as my Luna. He is my mate and I couldn’t be more grateful to the goddess for him. Coralee slowing down catches my attention. She growls and a woman my age is standing in front of us with a girl who can’t be eighteen. The young girl is definitely wolf but the other woman is witch. I shift and the woman smirks at me. “What is your business in my territory?” “Alpha Jasmine, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you. I appreciate a fellow woman in a position of power.” “I’m not sure I can say the same until you tell me why you have come into territory without permission.” She laughs and a cold shiver goes down my spine. I try to link Oliver and Tony but I’m met with a wall. “Don’t bother you won’t get through” she says and I feel a sense of dread overtake me.

just my bargaining chip.” “What is it that you want?” “Your daughter and her red wolf.” Goddess, if I could move, I would rip her head from her body. “I would rather die than let you or anyone else hurt my daughter.” I use all my strength and try to move against her spell. “You have a choice to make. You can come willingly or I can inject you with wolfsbane that may kill the pup growing in your womb. You will lose both of your pups today instead of just one.” Bile rises in my throat as her words cut into my soul. I had no idea that I was pregnant but I can’t even feel the excitement knowing that I may lose the pup. I can’t lose either of my pups. She must realize the fight has left me. She turns to the young girl and begins to chant. She waves her hands and the girl becomes an exact replica of me. She hands her a vial with a bright red liquid swirling in it.

don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t this. It feels warm and homey. She pushes me forward until I reach a room down the end of the hallway. I can hear crying that sounds like a child. “Maybe he’ll finally shut up when he sees you.” The door opens and there is child that can only be eight years old lying on the bed. He is sobbing and my heart squeezes in my chest. I rush over to check him for injury. “He isn’t hurt but he hasn’t stopped crying since I put him in here” the witch says. “She took my sister” he manages to squeak out. I look back in time to see the witch roll her eyes and head for the door. “Oh, and don’t think about trying to escape. The cottage is enchanted” is the last thing she says before the door is shut and locked. Goddess, I pray that whatever she has planned doesn’t work. I rub circles on the boy’s back and he


large group of vampires join us from the east. Grant’s confident look falters for a moment before schools his expression. “I see you or no son of Allistar’s to stand beside this pack that killed him in cold blood” he yells at Magnum. I’m grateful to see he stands taller and doesn’t give Grant the response he is looking for. Evelyn shifts and comes to stand next to me before her true mate joins her. Grant looks between them and his eyes turn black. “I’ve come for my Luna and I will slaughter all of you to get her” Grant says with confidence that seems misguided. Cayden and Hudson growl and Evelyn steps between them letting out her own growl. “I would rather die than ever let you touch me again

Simone POV

any longer. I will just have to leave if she summons me. I appear in the trees and I can sense one witch among the wolves. Maybe I over estimated this pack power. I come to stand next to Grant. He points to his Luna and I nod. All hell breaks loose and I begin to throw dark energy balls at the wolves but they are dropping to the ground before they can hit even one of the mutts. It’s not possible. I notice the witch standing with her arms held high as the wolves start to advance toward us. The f**king witch can only be eighteen. How the f**k is she so strong? Just as the thought pops into my head the potion summons me. I don’t even look Grant’s way as I disappear. I reappear in a room and I smile at the sight before me. Alpha Jasmine’s figure is holding a knife to her daughter’s neck. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Calliope.” If looks could kill I would be dead. I smile at her resolve to stay strong. In the end she will beg for mercy but right now I’ll give her this moment of defiance. I wave my hand and produce a vial of wolfsbane. “This will hurt far worse if you fight against me. I wouldn’t want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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