Chapter 59 A Stroke of Luck I hesitated before telling him I’d rather not attend.

I also had Ava with me, so I couldn’t go.

He mentioned that he had already arranged for my mother–in–law to watch Ava and that she would be arriving at my house soon.

His attitude struck me as odd.

He had never been eager to take me to social events, but it turned out that ATL Empire organized it.

During the afternoon’s meeting, Nick asked about the manager who had represented Tanum Corporation before.

Then he questioned my absence.

Matthew quickly arranged for me to attend the dinner and even gave me pointers on what to say.

1 Representatives from three other companies, all major players in Foswood, would join us.

Each company had strengths, but Tanum Corporation was outmatched and did not belong on the same level.

Tanum Corporation had stumbled upon a stroke of luck.

Among the representatives from ATL Empire was Atlas Seeing him again after only a few hours made me a bit nervous.

Although I had just seen him this morning, it felt like decades ago, He had returned to his aloof self.

He followed Nick without displaying much emotion, only offering me a casual greeting when he entered.

There was nothing exceptional about it, but it did put me at ease.

I didn’t feel comfortable saying too much with so many people around.

During the meal, Atlas asked me about the steel windows in front of everyone.

surprising that he asked me



not to be

thermally broken steel windows were something I had pushed for, but Matthew had consistently refused

never been optimistic about it, because he believed the new metal plastic windows were more cost–effective and had higher

adamant about using thermally broken steel windows as

the recent

behind its competitors I

move surprised the competition

Toasts were exchanged with the ATL

me over to

I felt incredibly uncomfortable.

the rounds, and Nick took me aside to

boosted Matthew’s

seemed genuinely

to negotiate further with ATL Empire and be considered a key player lifted his

floated on

toasting Atlas, who

steel windows, focusing on its performance, design possibilities, and construction techniques After speaking with Nick, I had a plan

and responded to

dinner concluded, and Matthew had

sat in the back

praised me as a visionary, remarking on my

calling me his “lucky star,” asking how I had

demeanor made him

to indicate that he had

“Don’t celebrate too soon.

weren’t particularly interested

report, so research

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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