Chapter 63 Falling Back Into Old Ways The person who entered the room was Fred Meyers, whom I had been trying to meet.

Accompanying him I was Mr.Meyers, who had given me a ride.

Fred and I locked eyes for a moment.

It had been four years, and he looked older.

His once jet–black hair was now salt–and–pepper, and he appeared slightly leaner.

He gazed at me for a while.“Is it really you, Ms.Chloe?” “Fred, it’s me! Chloe Hartz.

Long time no see!” I felt somewhat self–conscious about my current state.

“You need to lie down! Lie down!” Fred walked over to the bed, and Atlas quickly got up to make room.

“Ms.Chloe, I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.

I’m truly sorry,” Fred said, sitting beside the bed.

Atlas signaled to the other Mr.Meyers.

The two of them exited the room, leaving Fred and me alone.

I was excited and exclaimed, “Fred, you’re being too polite! Seeing you makes this entire trip worthwhile.

It’s my fault for dropping in like this.

I had no other way to contact you and couldn’t meet you at your company!” “My company… Fred paused with a troubled look.

not talk about

brings you here?” Understanding his hesitation, I

I explained my

and the potential

Fred patiently listened.

signed a contract with Westridge Holdings and

honest with him, including that I hadn’t formed my own

for a chance

asked about the

beyond my means, arriving empty–handed to negotiate


can take part in competitions legally, But for now…

“For now,

law company

from ATL Empire?” Fred asked, his discomfort clear on

businessman, I must consider

is business.” He seemed embarrassed about making the request, and I felt a

but he was only

didn’t know how to

project as

It was far–fetched.

grip on the blanket beneath me, I reminded myself that this was

had mentioned helping me, so


you please ask him to come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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