Chapter 65 The Game Has Officially Begun +15 BONUS My life drastically changed when I entered the Urban Builders office.

The surprise that Fred had in store for me left me utterly speechless.

He signed an exclusive agency contract with me.

Not only that, a construction company worth 150 million dollars was registered in my name Fred also dispatched a professional team for structural design and construction for me.

I struggled to find the right words to express my gratitude.

He shook my hand and said, “We mutually benefit from this, so you don’t have to say anything.

You’ve saved me from a critical situation yet again, and being able to help you is an honor.

[1 “After we both overcome these challenges, visit me in the city.

Please stay in touch and let us know if you need anything.” He handed me a comprehensive set of documents about steel windows and the paperwork.

I sincerely thanked him and said, “Okay.

there’s no need for me to

said to myself, “Chloe, the game has officially begun.” I knew Atlas was behind this, but I never

my departure, Atlas accompanied me to the

him on the platform, I felt

the window

Foswood via express delivery, directly into Atlas’s

convenient than carrying

I flew back to

meet me at the airport, but Melanie as

saw them together, I grinned slyly “Honey” Matthew hugged me and sald, “I missed you so much!” heart, silently

me? He had only called me once during

too busy enjoying himself every night! I couldn’t afford to lose this game we were playing +15

I missed you too!” After saying this,

I turned

“Yeah, I’ve been with

he’d pick you up, so here I am!” Her smug

whole time!” I playfully teased Melanie, wearing a sly

while I was away!” Matthew held my hand briefly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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