Chapter 112 An Unpleasant Inquiry I looked at him baffled.

“Wasn’t the divorce trial scheduled for today? Why wasn’t there a hearing today? Why’d you cancel it?” He stared at me impassively, but his tone showed displeasure.

Had he gone to the courthouse? No one knew we had postponed the trial.

The only logical explanation.

was that he had been there.

“Something came up, so I had to reschedule it at the last minute,” I explained.

“Are you having second thoughts again?” His face grew stern.

“How could you even consider it after what he’s done?” I was much calmer than he was.

I took a few sips of my glass of lemonade and said, “I might not be able o get a divorce anytime soon.” to He fixed his eyes on my face.

“Why not?” “There’s nothing I can do.

parents to blackmail me,” I

expect him to stoop so low.” “Do you plan to let him

be humiliated than risk upsetting him.” We fell silent

thought of the Murphys

looked at him and asked, “When did

gave me a long, unnerving

had ordered some hot tea for me, which the

asked, Would you like to resolve the situation?” “As long as

I sensed

Somehow, I trusted him.

some arrangements,”

let you know when I’m

have to do is play along.” “Thank you!”

gave me some brief instructions at the door, and we

there, I felt

needed to figure out how to handle the

and the constant anxiety

ease my anxiety, I took a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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