Chapter 191 Asshole

Melanie gave me a smug look as I stared at Matthew In disbelief. “He’s telling you to get lost. You and

that stupid child better stay the fuck away from us!”

glared at Matthew and turned toward the door.

“Chloe!” He called out, but I ignored him and left.

The crowd outside the office quickly dispersed as I approached my car.

I swallowed dryly as I gripped the steering wheel with shaky hands. I had never imagined Matthew could be such a jerk. It was clear that meeting them would always result in humiliation.

My phone kept ringing, but I didn’t

Ck up. I only answered the call after a while, and a gentle voice came

through, “Why didn’t you pick up?”

I broke down in tears.

“What’s the matter?” Atlas sounded anxious. “Where are you?”

him about what happened. He said,

started my car and left.

me a slip of paper. “Contact

at me and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me about it sooner?”

or him!

I had

stern look, he said,

In the end, I still had to ask for his

assholes like that,” he said, glancing at

wasn’t he? “You’re busy, and I


“Or do you think your boyfriend is good for

blinked in surprise, struggling to process

“No more



boyfriend, but I said,


despite myself.

admit it’s dumb to look for his

are you with me? There are plenty of girls eager to be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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