Beyond the Divorce

Chapter 1307 The Ideal Partner

Ryan said, "The overall plan is ready. It's been on my desk all this time. When you come to work tomorrow, you can take a closer look. If you have no objections, we can use Old Bourdamun as a pilot project and replicate it like what we did for New Bourdamun. It could become a sophisticated system."

"Great. I'm feeling positive about this. Atlas and I have discussed it, and he's fully on board. It's just that he's busy right now, so I don't want to distract him."

I gave Ryan the green light.

"I'll have the Design Division draw up a plan to highlight the characteristics of Old Bourdamun and transform it into an ancient town. Retro-style things are in trend right now," Ryan said, getting excited immediately.

"Great minds think alike. The scale of Old Bourdamun is relatively small compared to other cities in the province, but turning it into a resort city that combines tourism, entertainment, leisure, and shopping would definitely be sufficient for this project. Plus, in the future, the neighboring city will also focus on modernizing itself."

I enthusiastically shared my blueprint with Ryan.

closely connected. Could we connect the ancient cities in both places and create a mutually supportive system? Like we're building a

real ancient city?" Ryan

series and movies. We can learn from them and take it

to steel and concrete, so wouldn't it be a great idea

really are a big dreamer, Chlo. You've even thought about the


then said, "If tourists can finish exploring the place in a day, what kind of revenue can we

attractive enough, and the surrounding industries like dining and entertainment are enough to Keep people here. Are we even doing business if we invest in building something without the promise of good returns?

more passionate as

if we're wasting funds on something useless, we might as well use it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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