Billionaire's Daring Wife

Chapter 24: Wrong Guess 

"Timothy, how much wine did you drink?" Jessica flushed while she looked at Timothy's honey-colored pectoral muscles.

Then she shyly looked to the other side.

"Guess how much I drank"

"Half a bottle?" Timothy kissed her.

"Guess again."

"A bottle?" Timothy kissed her again.


Jessica was furious.If she couldn't guess out, would he keep kissing her? Seeing the woman puff up her cheeks and look tsundere, Timothy got up from Jessica and held her steady.

"Jessica, if my family would bring you unhappiness or even danger, would you divorce me?" Timothy hugged Jessica.

He had been away from the family for three years.

However, he knew that he would go back in the end.

However, Jessica was an accident in his life.

He didn't want this woman to face everything he despised with him.

Jessica did not expect him to suddenly say this and looked a little nervous.

"Timothy, it is you who married me, not your family.You beat up Simon for me and helped me a lot.If it weren't for you, it wouldn't be so easy for me to retaliate against Simon and the others.You don't even despise me.Why would I divorce you because of your family?" Jessica held Timothy's hand.

She didn't know why he said this but she was willing to go through all the difficulties with him.

"I really want to press you on the bed right now.’’ Timothy leaned closer to Jessica's ear.

His sexy voice made her ears almost numb.

Jessica seemed to have made a big decision and her look fell on Timothy's body.

"If you want, you can..."

Even Jessica could hardly hear her last words.

It was so embarrassing.

She had lived for more than 20 years and it was the first time she had said such explicit words to a man.

Timothy looked at Jessica while she was about to poke her chin into her chest.

"In that case, how are you going to film tomorrow?"

"You said as if you have the energy to insist a whole night."

"Try it, huh?"

The dignity of a man was not to be trampled on, especially in that respect.

Before Jessica could realize what happened, her body was instantly held up.

her directly to the bed and then

man's movements were unusually fleece this time, making

didn't even know when her

temperature in the room soared and it seemed like their late wedding

apartment, two sneaky figures kept

mask on his face and sighed while looking at the apartment in front of him, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, the eldest young master of the Landy Group actually lives in

Jacob, said enviously, "The First Young Master is really capable.He came out of the family penniless and bought a house in only


tell her everything about my

and shook his head like a

you want to.If I call rs.Landy, First Young Master will kill

said with a fake smile, "If you don't, I'll kill

the end, Jesse could only take out his phone as

Jessica got up from the

a night! Jessica was so angry that she kicked the one who was sleeping on the bed when she thought of how

who was walking awkwardly with a half-smile, and said seemingly kindly, "Mrs.Landy, do you need me to

"serve," Jessica felt dizzy and her legs


become another kind of service if he served her himself.Jessica went to the washroom and began

Timothy also got up.

had no idea of sleeping if his wife was not on

as Timothy was about to walk into the washroom,


direction of the

"Mom, what's the matter?"


not come back now? Mom really knew I was wrong about what happened back then.Besides, if you don't

end of the phone, the woman pleaded bitterly

which was holding the phone, protruded, and

inheritance of

willing to hand over the inheritance to someone else? If you inherit the Landy Group and donate the whole thing to charity someday, I won't say anything but the situation is different now.If the Landy Group is given to someone else, we are all losers.I have been trampled on by that person for so many

Timothy hung up the

and bit it

be extinguishing at any time in

blurred the man's

washed up, she saw him leaning against the balcony and

tall body bowed slightly and his long

me." Jessica walked

she had felt that something

put out the cigarette in his hand and turned around

wearing so little.You would suffer a

carried Jessica in his arms and went back to the

that Jessica was wearing and paused for a few seconds watching her body before he began to

the man didn't want to tell her

that they had only known

showed a helpless look when he dressed Jessica

pinch her face but she

getting late.I'm going to the

Jessica finished speaking, she casually put on a pair of

give you a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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