Chapter 105

The car arrived at the house. Upon hearing the sound of the vehicle in the courtyard, everyone in the Sullivan household rushed out. They assumed the renowned doctor’s granddaughter had arrived. Only Yvonne remained seated.

Isaac glanced at Yvonne. “Aren’t you going?”

Yvonne was confused. Why should she go? She didn’t even know his granddaughter. But then she quickly thought that Isaac must want her to get along well with his granddaughter.

With this in mind, Yvonne smiled and cheerfully responded, “Then, I’ll go and welcome her.”

The Sullivan family members came out one after another. Only Daniel, Isabella, and Isaac remained seated on the couch.

Being young and curious, Harper was at the forefront. She took the lead and was the first to see the car. At first glance, she instinctively furrowed her brows. Wait, this didn’t seem like Isabella’s car.

Others came out gradually. Harper looked at Grayson uncertainly and asked, “Grayson, isn’t this our cousin’s car? I thought Mrs. Sullivan’s car was sent to pick up the renowned doctor’s granddaughter.”

Grayson also frowned. “It’s Aunt’s car.”

The car came to a slow stop, and Henry was the first to step out.

Seeing him, Grayson was even more puzzled. “Why are you back? Weren’t you supposed to drop Olivia off?” As she spoke, her face fell. She turned pale immediately. “Don’t tell me she’s back again.”

Her words had barely escaped when she saw Olivia stepping out from the back of the car.

Grayson’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Her face contorted as she pointed at Olivia and shouted angrily. “Why is she here?”

She questioned Henry furiously. The renowned doctor’s granddaughter was about

and Olivia were not on good terms. She was

aunt’s treatment.

she could


scene now. Isaac was still in the room. She couldn’t let Yvonne and Isaac see Olivia.

“You, leave right away…” She paused and

speaking, Yvonne came out. She was

She playfully quipped, moving past the group and stepping forward. However, when she saw Olivia in

furrowed her


still got caught. Grayson sighed and hurried forward to comfort Yvonne. “Ms. Yvonne, just ignore her. It’s the driver’s

at the door and mocked, “Aren’t you afraid Mr. Sullivan will be

she quickly regained her composure. With a conciliatory smile, she said to Yvonne, “She’s just

expression ice–cold as she looked at Olivia with eyes like a venomous snake. “Get rid

Olivia. She was about to give Olivia a piece of her

situation had developed too rapidly, and he hadn’t had time to react. He was accustomed to staying silent as a driver and wasn’t skilled in verbal disputes. So he couldn’t

of the situation? The most important thing right

Olivia and continued with an air of arrogance, “Hmph, she’s lucky to have even entered the

Olivia now. He completely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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