Chapter 115

Olivia’s remark was akin to a drop of water hitting a sizzling hot pan of oil. It created an immediate and explosive reaction, scattering shock and surprise throughout the room.

Gasps, murmurs, and startled expressions spread like wildfire through the crowd.

Diners who frequented the Smith Cuisine Hall were affluent people, including many influential businessmen. They held the cuisine in the restaurant in high regard.

They especially loved the restaurant’s signature dish, seared salmon with herbed couscous, a nourishing and delicious dish.

Some customers consumed the dish to regulate their bodies and found it to have excellent effects on their health.

They immediately frowned when they heard Olivia’s comment that the dish was not good. However, they did not want to say anything unpleasant due to their high standing in society. It was apparent that they were displeased. Their expressions conveyed an unspoken consensus of disdain for her.

The more outspoken customers mocked, “What an ignorant girl. Where did she come from? How dare she criticize the food at the Smith Cuisine Hall? What a joke.”

“She’s just trying to seek attention by pretending to be knowledgeable about the food in the Smith Cuisine Hall. She wants to prove that she is different to attain a fleeting moment of fame. She doesn’t know anything

at all.”

Some of them glared at Olivia. “This woman is not bad–looking. She’s probably a mistress. Her sugar daddy must have brought her here. She thinks she can behave arrogantly just because she has a rich man as backing.”

“That must be it. Such a woman only knows how to sell her body. She is lacking in social manners and doesn’t know how to appreciate the food at the Smith Cuisine Hall.”

Soon, the discussion became more heated. They ignored Olivia and continued to comment at the top of their voices.

In the beginning, the head chef, Cynthia Brown, was infuriated at Olivia’s

ons Missing Darling

what the crowd said, she felt

tapped her index finger knuckle on the table. The chatter gradually subsided as

was indeed her first time at the Smith Cuisine Hall. Cynthia regarded Olivia with a disdainful glare. “This must be the first time eating

in her chair

extraordinary yet familiar aura from Olivia. Her indifference and confidence

doctor who was well respected by the rich and powerful. How could she compare

the thought away and refused to entertain that notion. She must be


raised with a lowly upbringing. You didn’t up in the Taylor family. You’re used to plain, home–cooked meals. How

unsophisticated like you are not worthy to eat the

looked at Olivia with a spiteful gleam in her eyes. “Hang a sign at the door stating that Olivia Taylor and dogs are not allowed

crowd instantly burst into laughter. Someone even applauded Cynthia. “Chef Brown is really clever. That’s right. This is how we should deal with crude people like her. I agree with Chef Brown. Going forward, all hotels under my name will bear the same sign as Chef Brown’s

too. I’ll do the

Bulionaire’s Missing Darling

“Count me in.”

dining hall became more intense. In just 15 minutes, more than 10 restaurants and hotels indicated they would hang the same sign as the Smith

the restaurant. He was holding Andrew’s hand. When he first stepped into the restaurant, his eyes widened, as if he had stumbled upon something

tailored suit of an Italian artisanal brand. The lightweight fabric clung to his body,

the contours of his exquisite features. His appearance was peerless, akin to a celestial

everyone’s attention turned to

who rallied together and proclaimed that their restaurants and hotels would bear the same sign as the Smith

forgotten that Daniel was the


frightened customers turned pale at the thought of how powerful Daniel was.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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