Chapter 166

Olivia leaned forward and stretched out her hand to close the laptop. With a downward pressof her hand, the laptop instantly closed

Without any big movement, the laptop smoothly slid into her hands. Olivia then placed it on one side.

Her moves were very sleek.

Previously, Gillian had seen Olivia performing the trick at a friend’s house through the crack in the door. All her friends had praised Olivia for her smooth movement. Everything she did was swift and polished. She was like a heroine to them.

However, Olivia never did the trick at home. She was always fumbling with her laptop while sticking her head out to chat with Gillian.

In the past, Gillian thought Olivia was deliberately hiding her talent. She thought Olivia was being hypocritical and pretentious.

However, at that moment, Gillian could no longer hide her true feelings. She quickly lowered her head so that no one could see her expression. “Since you’ve seen the book for yourself, you can leave now.” Olivia turned off the laptop and sat back on the couch. She looked down at her glass of fruit juice and started swirling it. Although her tone sounded indifferent, one could still sense a hint of coldness in it.

“My little sister…” Jarron felt terrible, but he did not know what to say. Olivia chuckled and looked up at Jarron. “Why didn’t you call me your little sister just now? You called me Olivia like you were talking down at me. Do you now realize your mistake and acknowledge me as your little. sister?

“Olivia, don’t say that.” Jarron’s voice quivered with apprehension. A feeling of foreboding washed over him.

Olivia did not look up. She continued swirling the glass of fruit juice and did not say a word.

Seeing this, Jarron felt even more remorseful. His eyes were filled with sadness, and his lips trembled. “Olivia, I’m sorry. I’ve been too impulsive.


Jarron could not say any further.

Jarron rarely apologized all his life. On some occasions when he annoyed


word ‘sorry; and Olivia would immediately

He did not know how to apologize to Olivia. He only knew how to say sorry

reply with a smile like always and say, “I

waited for a long time, but she did not

silence made Jarron feel extremely uneasy. His stomach was churning uncomfortably. He had not eaten much in the morning, but

When they reached the door,

in surprise. Olivia knocked softly on the coffee table. “You

table and saw the invitation card.

the hotel suite was very dim. However, when it shone on Jarron’s face, it looked very bright, as if it was

mouth moved, but no words

be so unforgiving. Stop being angry at us. There

frowned. She was running out of

several hours and even up to a day for them. However,

it away.” She interrupted

me to take it away?” Gillian’s tone was filled with disbelief. “Do you know what you’ll be missing out? From now on, I’m in

can explain my side of the story about ‘Mind Of




already clarified this matter with you, you can leave now.” Gillian looked quietly at Olivia before picking up the invitation card. She suddenly turned around when

to tell who’s right and who’s wrong. I can’t care less about that now.” She looked at Olivia and said haughtily, “I don’t want to bother about you or meddle in someone else’s business, but

“The Sullivan family is willing to accept you because of the Smith family. I know you are a very smart woman, but your intelligence is nothing compared to the Smith family’s years of history. I’m saying this for your good. Smart

Don’t miss out on the banquet

invitation card with a sense of superiority. “I’ll save this invitation card for you. If you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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