Chapter 196

Blake felt very guilty and uneasy. It was all her fault. How could she not trust Olivia?

She thought, “Olivia must be very sad now, right?

“Would she cry?”

At the thought of this, Blake felt sad. It was as if something was pressing in her chest, making it difficult for her to breathe.

It took all her courage to look up and peek at Olivia, wanting to know what she was doing.

On the sofa, Olivia held a bunch of grapes in her left hand and plucked the grapes one by one with her right hand before putting them into her mouth.

She was eating happily.

Blake was confused.

She thought, “Isn’t Olivia sad? Why is she eating now?”

Sensing Blake’s gaze, Olivia pushed the fruits on the table to Blake and asked, “Do you want to eat them?”

Blake shook her head and could not hold back the question in her heart. “Olivia, aren’t you sad?”

Olivia looked up. “Why am I sad?”

Blake said, “Aren’t you sad that we don’t believe you and suspect you?”

Olivia shook her head. “I’m not sad.”

Blake did not understand. “How could that be?” How could Olivia not be


Olivia lowered her eyes, her deep eyes indifferent. “I’m used to it.”

Blake was heartbroken.

These words were like a whip that whipped her entire body until it was dripping with blood.

She thought, “We are Olivia’s closest people. How could we not trust her?”

Blake had never hated herself so much! She wanted to slap herself hard.

Blake thought, “Look at what I have done, what I have done!”

Olivia finished half a bunch of grapes and looked up at Blake. “Are you


Billionaire’s Musing Darling

for me? Do you feel sorry

Blake choked. “Olivia…”

she clapped her hands. Her expression was indifferent, but she had an innate elegance as if she was born superior to

stood up and walked to the

myself too much. If I had revealed my true strength long ago, I wouldn’t have given them delusions, and I wouldn’t

and Blake

turn around. Instead, she continued to look into

dazzling light. It was like a peerless sword that had been buried underground

made her decision and did something important, everyone would be

She was wrong!

harmony. Only by being powerful and standing at a

the Human Resources Office in the

charge of human resources held two resignation letters and read them again and again. He rubbed

still worried and handed the resignation letters to his assistant beside him. “Take a look. I suspect that

didn’t misread. These are indeed the resignation

“Why did the two of them resign? Isn’t this the Smith family’s hospital?

information. He pointed at


something wrong

The human resources leader’s

more. “I only know a little. Take the resignation letters to Ben and let him

resources leader nodded.


Smith family’s villa, Olivia had just got

sat on the sofa with a glass of milk in her hand. She nodded at the

with an anxious expression. “Olivia,

looked up and chuckled. “What happened? Did Gillian

almost popped out of their sockets. He

Olivia nodded.

them to stay

What do you think I should do? How should I deal with it?” Ben’s eyes were

of milk and slowly wiped her mouth with a

matter if Gillian left. The key is Jarron. He’s the youngest brain surgeon in the world. He formed the brain surgery team in our hospital. Although it hasn’t been long, it has

and smiled slightly. “Does that mean he is

Ben was speechless.

more, but Olivia had already raised her hand.

was still worried

young. She doesn’t understand


Billionaire & Missing Darling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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