“You took a PA? Why in the hell would you need a live-in PA?”

Nate had been Elliot’s best friend for as long as he could remember. And on days like this one, Elliot was sure it had been too long.

He ran a hand down his face and spoke quietly into his phone. Not that Mandy could possibly see him, she was swimming laps in the pool.

He had never in his life found pregnant women sexy. Sure, some beautiful women had babies. But he had never seen an expectant mother on the street and thought ‘man I’d like to hit that.’

Until her.

Mandy had been living in his home for four days. And in that amount of time, Elliot had to rub one out in the office and beat another two off in the shower. He felt like a little kid instead of the grown ass man that he knew himself to be.

“Look, Nate, I don’t want to talk about it. I just want you to spread the word before you, and the boys get here for poker tonight. I don’t want anyone hitting on her or making her feel uncomfortable.”

There was a long pause, some might call it a pregnant pause—but Elliot was rather sensitive to that word lately.

“Who the fuck, are you?”

Elliot wanted to kill Nate, but his questions continued, “Is this a joke? You’re shitting me, right?”

“Nate, have you ever known me to joke around?” Elliot’s sounded dangerous even to his own ears.

More silence.

“No, you have a shitty sense of humor most of the time,” Nate replied like a man confident in his best friend status.

Elliot’s lips curved involuntarily, “Well, there you go.”

“Is she beautiful? Have you fallen for her? I can’t believe that Mrs. H let another woman move in on her turf. Hell, you don’t even bring girls home to fuck them, you get a hotel room.”

Elliot felt his cheeks flush, “Just do it, fuck-head, I will see you tonight.”

He hung up the phone just as Mandy started up the steps out of the pool. She was wearing a black bikini, and her belly was small and round. He felt an insane urge to touch it.

might be right, perhaps he had lost

saw him, “Elliot! I’m sorry, did you need me?”

to do, he certainly wouldn’t be interrupting her free time with work. Hell, he had resorted to

had suggested Mandy take on some of the human resource responsibilities that he struggled to find time

at the site but hadn’t had the

Since this type of benefit would be crucial to Mandy, it was a perfect fit. She was thrilled with the project,

to his older friend. Dr. Roberts had also laughed his ass off, telling Elliot that he had never expected the man to

every time he looked into those dark blue eyes, that there was something special about

cover his growing cock as he

like that,” Elliot cleared his throat of the huskiness. “Some guys are coming by tonight. It is my Thursday night poker group.

in front of her handsome boss. The way his dark hair stood in sexy disarray she

itched to touch the dark locks because

“Um, poker night sounds fun. Can I

was higher than normal, and she hated that she couldn’t relax around Elliot. He had been nothing but generous and kind to her since the night he came to her parent’s home.

Mandy’s heart skipped a beat. “We have everything covered. The guys will bring some cases of beer. I just didn’t want you to

to do was meet a bunch

to go,” she grabbed his arm and slid into her flip-flops. Granted, she’d only wanted to steady herself, and it had been

his gaze glued to where she was touching him.

fingers back as if she were burned, “I’m so sorry.”

lazily came up to meet hers, but the fire in

he then placed his hand on the small of her back to

Mandy could feel the heat of his hand through the thick terry cloth towel. Her core felt achy, and she was worried that the dampness

the way,” she rambled, a habit that Mandy tended to fall into when she was nervous. “There isn’t any reason for me to leave my room. I mean, I can get dinner before they arrive, and I have a bathroom already, not that I want

lips, the more she

the time they entered the elevator, she was praying for

placed it

his eyes

“What did I say about my home since

throat, “That I should consider it my own.”

not hide away in your room unless that is what you want to do. But I’m sure that Dr. Roberts would love to say hello if you feel up to it.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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