Blackmailed For Love

Chapter 1: Good day or not..


I ran down the subway stairs, my smal] feet moving as fast as they could.I had already been late in leaving my house— it was no small feat to make Victoria and Anna eat their breakfast, and after that I had to search the quickest and cheapest way to get to the K & K law firm where I was going for the interview.

After three long weeks of searching for a place to stay and then finding one and making it habitable for the other two lives that depend on me by spending every last penny I had left, this interview was my last hope.

It was by some miracle that I had happened upon the paper in which the classified for this job was listed.

And in my quest to read the job description I had almost sat on the lap of the old man outside the shelter where we had spent our last week.

The old man was kind enough as he had handed me the section of the paper I was looking at.

And I ficking knew that the god above must’ve had some mercy because the pay was good and all I had to do was assort the files and manage the paperwork.

I took it as my due for the last few miserable years of my life except the one part that I would never change.

I stepped out into the morning sun- even the day was perfect which I took as one more sign of a good day ahead.

I loved mornings and the sunshine as much as I hated rain and gloomy clouds, maybe it was to the fact that I never could get to enjoy the rain like many other people sitting up in their warm houses and looking at the world through their windows not knowing what it was like to be hungry and miserable with wet clothes on your body.

I pushed those thoughts back to the depressed box they belonged to and quickened my steps only to slam into someone face first and barely caught myself before I could’ve fallen flat on my arse.

"I am so sorry!" I said as I looked up at the man standing in front of me.

He was tall and I meant at least two feet taller than me, okay I was small in comparison to most of the women at five two, but this man was tall-tall.

His dark eyes were wide and horrified as he said, "Oh no, I am sorry.I wasn’t looking where I was going."

I was taken aback by his apology because I knew from experience most people won't apologize in such a situation but then the reason for his horror and apology registered when I felt something wet slithering down inside my clothes, on my skin.

I looked down and squeezed my eyes shut as I saw the big coffee stain on my white shirt that was quickly soaking in my beige skirt.


"I am really sorry."

how I had spent my entire night

eyes and he said, "Please,

am alright.Everything

words that had gotten

strong fingers curled around my arm and he steered me to the side of the footpath because people had started to notice us standing there

know where you were

really wanted that job." I said on autopilot, seeing the only chance to

you will get it.Just let me

eyes, he said, "My sister’s boutique is not far from here, I could take you

that no kindness comes strings free.I

"No thanks.I will manage."

as I said that, I

He sighed.

am really sorry, and believe me or

up his hands and said ,

down at my clothes

his help, he said, "We could walk, it's

looked at my watch and said, "I will be


when his eyes lit up, I asked, "Do you

you are heading toward K & K

I frowned.


for you, my

the two lives that depended on me safe and healthy,

did you get to know about the job? And, what are you

am applying for

under his breath and asked, "What are your

if I should have to answer his questions out of politeness just because I was accepting his help and then my good senses answered in a resounding yes and I gave in feeling my cheeks heat up in the morning

graduated from high

much of an academic

for the first time I took it as an insult and it came to pride but I replied with a very arrogant, "I got full scholarship to Duke but I had to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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