Chapter 181 And Back Again

Someone chimed in. “What were you thinking? Don’t you know Jesse is a famous celebrity and Dexter’s girlfriend? How did you dare to offend her?”

The question was accompanied by a facade of concern, as if the person genuinely cared about Josie’s uncertain future However, it was a veiled mockery, pretending to extend sympathy while secretly reveling in the spectacle.

Before Josie could react, the person had disappeared into the crowd.

Josie couldn’t help but flash a bitter smile in a secluded corner. She even felt a subtle sense of relief. Thank God nobody knew she was Mrs. Russell. Otherwise, the mocking onlookers would have caused an uproar.

Upon reaching the parking lot, Dexter immediately distanced himself from Jesse with a stoic face, “Go on your own. There will be someone there to take care of your hospitalization.”

Casting an indifferent glance at her scalded injury, he remarked disdainfully. “Doesn’t seem very badly scalded anyway.”

Considering the coffee had endured wind gusts and caused only a minor spill, how hot could it have been?

“Mr. Russell!”

Jesse was taken aback by his sudden cold and distant demeanor. Weren’t they just sharing a

tender moment?

Dexter felt disgusted to even talk to her, let alone hold her now, “Mind your words. You should know when to create a buzz for publicity and when to keep quiet!”

without sparing her a

retraced their path as

“We should

of emotions swirled within her. Jesse

at the filming site, yet

she stood up, she felt

swiftly took the box from

When Josie looked

  1. she saw a familiar man with the usual coldness on his face.

sneered, “Wow, impressive. I see you already whisking your girlfriend away to

the cardboard box in the corridor’s corner. With indifference, he remarked, “Someone will clean it up.”

back and found her staring at him,

before the backlight,

still holding a grudge against his previous actions.

was approaching Josie, a sneer formed on her lips. “I spilled and scalded her with hot coffee. Why are you not at the hospital caring for her but here bothering

didn’t reserve her sharp retort and

close, his masculine aura surrounded Josie, prompting tension in her spine. Her instinct was

know you sounded like a jealous


conceal her feelings, she quickly rolled her eyes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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