“He’s in the lounge now. Would you like to meet him?” asked Simon.

“It’s only right for me to thank him in person. Can you show me the way?”

“Of course.”

Simon dropped what he was working on and ushered Caroline to the lounge.

On the way there, Caroline couldn’t hold back her racing heart. She was about to meet the mysterious business tycoon. In an attempt to

calm down, she rubbed her temples.

“We are here,” said Simon after a few minutes of walking. He then turned to Caroline and said, “I shall take my leave now.”

Caroline nodded. After Simon disappeared, she knocked on the door. She did it a few more times, but only silence answered her.

Meekly, Caroline uttered, “Hi there, Mr. Morrison. I’m Caroline. I invited you to dinner last time, but you couldn’t come. If it weren’t for your

help today. I…”

doing here?” A husky voice from behind made Caroline


out of her

Caroline’s slender collarbone. The urges he’d tried so hard to suppress flared up again, making him frown. “I’m here to help out.

away. No more

to find Eddy’s second uncle, answered

his eyebrows.

retorted, “I respect him a lot, so don’t talk about

He held Caroline’s waist in one hand and grabbed the door


seized Caroline’s being. She rested her hands on Kirk’s chest and

were a plea. No one was ever nice to her. All she wanted was

by Caroline’s reaction. “Are

Caroline shook

face with his fingers. Under the glow of the light, her tears shone like pearls, adorning her beautiful features. Kirk scooped out one of the tears and asked, “What is this,

Kirk, But who could blame her? She was so young–hardly 20 years old. She could face death bravely, but that didn’t mean she didn’t

a weeping Caroline, Kirk didn’t feel any

appearing. He gave up, and instead, he leaned in and kissed Caroline. That did the trick.

but to no avail in the face of Kirk’s greedy and unrelenting kisses. Caroline was too powerless to resist

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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