Chapter 85

Anxious, Caroline blared the car hom. Even so, Kirk stood in place.

Caroline gritted her teeth and made her decision. She slowly drove the car closer.

Kirk still didn’t budge. He watched Caroline drive closer without even blinking.

There was no breeze that night. The light from above shone on his features, making them seem deeper and clearer.

With the glow of the lamplight, Kirk could see Caroline Inside the car, her fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly.

The car slowed, inching ahead gradually.

After a long while, Caroline finally lost it. She slammed on the brakes.

Caroline rushed out of the car. “Are you mad? Don’t you know you could have died if you didn’t move aside?”

Kirk’s lips curled up slightly. He held up the food container. “Did you bring this for me?”

“No!” Caroline denied it without hesitating.

went up to take Caroline’s

mood when he’d found out Caroline was cooking for Eddy. He’d gone to a boxing club to vent

away from him. “I’m leaving.

him. He looked down at her with amusement in

Caroline felt so bad that she was going to cry. She could

“Home, of course.”

I’ll go

bit the shell of

thundering. After a brief moment of dazedness, she tried her hardest to push Kirk away. She said icily. “No need.

of how they’d said they wouldn’t interfere in each other’s personal lives. Hence, she shoved aside the words she’d wanted to say–that Kirk should go


He picked her up and carried her in

protested, he still managed to shove her

for himself, Kirk took the

and sat up. Displeased, she asked, “What

was just upstairs. Shouldn’t he go back and stay with

eyebrow and started the car. Noticing that Caroline seemed like she wanted to make a move, he wamed, “90 % of car accidents are caused by

was speechless. She’d just thought

had quieted down. He

time, she didn’t struggle at all. She was really scared that they might get into

did you suddenly

in displeasure, “Gwen is doing overtime.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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