Chapter 109

Carole Looked up at Kirk, min tres looking at his fablet on the couch. Then she took another


Sock at the design sketches in the organizer’s post

“It was youCaroline got up

When Kirk heard he voice, he looked up at her He asked, “What’s wrong?”

“You’re the one who gave the evidence to the organizers overnight, right?” Caroline choked up, feeling emotional

“Yes,” Kirk answered honestly

Having mixed feelings, Caroline asked, “And you asked Mr. Strauss to post those photos?”

Kirk silently looked at Caroline, confirming her claims.

Caroline didn’t know what to say She didn’t know how to thank him for helping her. If it weren’t for Brie standing between them, maybe she would reconsider their agreement.

Her phone rang, interrupting Caroline’s thoughts. She glanced at it to see that Gwen was calling her

Gwen was incoherent with excitement. “Carol, did you already know this was going to happen?”

rushed to log into her Facebook account, planning to fight against those online haters

the tables had already turned by then. Gwen couldn’t believe how fast the situation changed She’d just been gone for

glancing at Kirk. She said, “No way, it’s not like

something to do with this fast turnaround Are

Mr. Strauss, but I don’t know any organizers. There’s no way I can do anything,” Caroline said

maybe someone in those brands‘ companies has a crush

you been devels” Caroline teased with

teed Gwen’s clamations of surprise Holy fuck! Carol, look! These makeup brands

have merged”

saw headline notifications from several social media

cosmetics industry‘ Several major makeup

several major makeup brands and

and the boss is very likely to

long time to recover from her

second uncle had actually bought several major makeup brands in such a short time. Not

news as well She mused, “Maybe Eddy’s second uncle has a crush on you and

Charter An

valled Dee in reper to be

put down her phone, she got another call from an

a morets bestation


the newly appointed CEO of Thorne Industries First, I hope you accept our

apologies for our major mistake during

CEO himself had apologized to her Their standards were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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