Chapter 121

Kirk hugged Caroline. They held each other close, their hearts beating as one.

His minty scent filled Caroline’s nostrils, and she felt her cheeks turning warm.

Then, she suddenly thought of something and anxiously touched Kirk’s body. She asked, “Are you hurt? Brie’s bodyguards didn’t hurt you, did they?”

Kirk felt his body heat up from her touch. He had no choice but to hold Caroline’s hands, his voice low and hoarse. “I’m fine, but if you keep touching me, I can’t guarantee I won’t do anything.”

When Caroline heard his words, she froze. She didn’t realize he’d tricked her until she heard his cheerful laugh. She weakly punched Kirk’s chest.

Kirk held her fist and placed a kiss on her fingers. “You’d better not go back on your word, Caroline.


“About being with me,” Kirk said.

Caroline’s face turned red again. “Who said I wanted to be with you?”

Kirk happily pecked Caroline on the lips. “You tease.”

shy that she didn’t know what to do. “Kirk, you

and cooed, “I am a

face in Kirk’s chest, whining

asking, “Are we breaking the rules? According to what we

we break any of

could finish her words, she felt a

Howard’s attention at first.

contact her, that he realized something was

to search the entire city,

have been kidnapped?” Layla asked Eddy, biting her lip. She’d lied, saying that she

Eddy had finally come to see

on the couch, waiting for the nurse to finish

receive any threatening calls


reach Brie on the

to do, and

“W–will she

partying elsewhere. She’ll be back in a

up and asked the nurse, “How is she?”


There was no way he could do anything to Brie.

forced a smile on her face. “You’re right. She’s a rich

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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