Chapter 157

“Soon. I’ll be going home in a few days.”

Doesn’t that mean I’ll get the phone very soon? Wow, I’ll be the third person in the country to get

a Dragon. Just thinking about it is exciting. When the time comes, I’ll take my phone out every day at work. They’ll all be jealous to bits when they see it!”

Caroline smiled as she put Gwen’s phone back in its box.

“Carol, did you get gifts for your new colleagues?”

Caroline was just about to answer when Kirk opened the door and came in.

Caroline greeted Kirk and continued chatting with Gwen.

“I haven’t decided yet. I asked about it yesterday and found out that most of the staff at the design department are women. I think I should probably buy makeup?”

Kirk looked at Caroline, who was so invested in chatting with Gwen. It only annoyed him more.

He walked to the coffee table and purposely made some noise.

react. “For men,

be very respected if you

of these phones? I might not even be able to get

her chin in her palm. “That’s right. I guess you’d better


Gwen chatted for a while longer

back, Caroline excitedly went to tell Kirk about the president of the SY

approached and leaned on

away, putting distance between himself and Caroline. “You went out

saw the president of SY

the coffee table, his expression the same. “You like him that much?”

cleared up the messy table. “Yes, you’ve got me. I think he’s a

has amazing business acumen. How

man in

look at Kirk,

in his heart. He forced out, “Since he’s so perfect, why don’t

marry him?”

himself was stunned by his own


his lips. There was a

of the SY Group. With him, you get to enjoy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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