Chapter 614 Daphne’s Shock

Daphne could understand why Sonia had hated Jessica so much.

From what Charles shared, Daphne heard that when Paradigm Co. was on the brink of bankruptcy 6 years ago, not only did Jessica and her mother not help out with the struggle, they also left with the money Henry received from selling his shares of the company, which finally led to the downhearted Henry committing suicide by jumping off a building.

One could say that Henry was indirectly killed by Jessica and her mother. Now that Paradigm Co. had finally started to flourish again, they instead came back to snatch the shares from Sonia. Therefore, it was impossible for Sonia not to hate them.

As time passed, the elevator finally arrived at the intended floor, so Sonia took a step forward to exit. After heading out, she could see a man leaning on a Maybach not far away. The man seemed to be pressing something on the phone in his hand with his head down.

Soon, Sonia felt a vibration from her phone. She knew that he was definitely sending her a message.

Next to her was Daphne, who had also noticed Toby as she said to Sonia in surprise, “Chairman Reed, why is President Fuller here?”

Without answering Daphne, Sonia walked toward him with a faint smile on her lips. Daphne quickly caught up to her after reading the situation.

When Toby heard their footsteps, he lifted his head and saw Sonia while lowering his brows. “You’re here.”

“Yup, I’m here.” She nodded.

Looking at them, Daphne blinked in surprise. What’s going on? Did the two of them plan to meet each other?! Also, why do I feel an ambiguous atmosphere between them?

“Where’s Jessica?” Toby asked while looking around.

Sonia pointed at a van not far away. “She is in that van.”

glancing at the pointed direction, he nodded slightly. “Get in the

She nodded in

the car door, allowing Sonia to bend down to sit inside. Then, he looked behind her and threw the car keys to

enough to catch the keys but was left confused as she stared at them. “President

faintly before

left standing there, not knowing what to do. Should I listen to his orders or not? Although I’m Chairman Reed’s employee, President Fuller’s position is much higher than hers, so I can’t disobey him either. Therefore, she found herself not

the difficult position that Daphne was in, so she lowered the car window and stretched out her head in front of Toby. “Listen to

was no longer at a loss with Sonia’s assurance, so she quickly nodded and went around the front of the car to the driver seat. The car

took out a bottle of drink from inside.

received the bottle with

it’s extremely useful whenever you are tired. I specially asked Tom to

that so? Let me try it.” Sonia looked at the drink in her hand for a while before lifting her head to give it a

and put the lid back on. Then, Toby took out a decorative handkerchief from the pocket on his right chest and wiped the corner of her mouth. “How’s the taste?” he gently

and answered, “It’s okay. The sweet and sour taste is

the handkerchief

Daphne, who was driving the car in front, saw everything through the

her heart was filled with anxiety. Could it be that the two of them are now back together? I heard rumors in the industry that the two of them are planning to reconcile again, but I always thought that it was impossible. Looking at them now, I don’t think it’s a rumor anymore because it is real. If this is genuine, I actually think that it is a good thing. At least this way, President Lane won’t have any hopes on

the cemetery while Daphne found a spot to park the

his right hand inside. While in the car, Sonia looked a bit embarrassed when she saw his action, but she still placed her hand in his. Then, he held her hand tightly as he helped

Fuller without any intention of reconciling with him, but now, the two of them have become intimate with each other. Something that I don’t know must have happened in between. I wonder whether President

she thought about it, Daphne suddenly heard Sonia shouting at her. With a flash of light in her eyes, she quickly came back to her senses and

but you didn’t answer me.”

just that I suddenly had something in my mind. It’s all good now. Chairman

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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