Chapter 626 Tim’s Support

After the door slammed shut in his face, Tom couldn’t help lifting a hand to check on his nose.

Well, Toby clearly had no intention of allowing him in.

Nevertheless, Tom was fine with that because he didn’t need to enter the unit as he had no wish to become the third wheel.

Shrugging his shoulders, he headed toward the elevator.

Inside the apartment, Toby toted the two bags into the living area.

As he placed the bags down, Sonia emerged from her room.

She was already done with washing up and changing her clothes by now. Looking down at the things he placed on the dinner table, she asked curiously, “What are those?”

“Breakfast,” he answered while pointing at one of the bags. “I had Tom deliver it.”

She quietly nodded to indicate her understanding.

As Toby watched her, he asked, “May I borrow your room for a while?”

“What for?” Sonia blinked in confusion.

He lifted the other bag. “To change.”

After flicking her gaze to the bag, she retorted with a pout, “Don’t you already know how to sneak into my room, anyway? You might as well just enter since you want to use it now. Why are you asking for my permission?”

Hearing the sarcasm in her voice, he coughed lightly through pursed lips. “What if I don’t sneak in next time?”

He could boldly go in!

“Do you still think there’ll be a next time?” Sonia glared at him.

A grimacing Toby refrained from answering.

That was because he knew he couldn’t fan the flames any further. He had no idea how to placate her if he had truly ticked her off.

Once he shut up, she sighed. “Alright, forget it. Quickly go.”

With that, she waved a hand to indicate for him to hurry up and get changed.

Only then did Toby hum in reply and carry the clothes into her room.

he emerged, Sonia had already

he pulled out a chair and sat down to have breakfast

through the meal when Sonia’s cell

up her cell phone to

on the phone, he asked, “Who’s

answered honestly

did Toby’s expression

be an issue if Tim

Toby didn’t care as long as it

his head and continued

phone to her

of the line, when Tim heard her voice, he deliberately teased,

at Toby, she answered, “He’s

astonishment, Tim raised his eyebrow. “Whoa, he’s

“Yes,” Sonia answered.

out a microfiber cloth. As he cleaned his glasses, he said, “Looks like he was

or less. He’s done a lot for me and is being true to me now, so… I’m willing to take the step to trust him one more time and try

her words, placed his fork down. Then, he deeply stared at her while tenderly saying, “Thank you,


ear to say, “You should be grateful that you were hypnotized, or I wouldn’t have forgiven you

a chuckle. “Yes, I’m

away, Sonia placed the phone back

both happiness since you’re willing to try things out with him once again. Of course, if he mistreats you

couldn’t help shuddering at his


that’s the case, thank you, Dr. Lancaster,” Sonia responded with a

she wouldn’t hand him over to Tim—after all, murder

was still

he saw Sonia thanking Tim, Toby couldn’t help asking,

at Toby. “You won’t want to

all, it was a threat to make

a miracle if he wasn’t

made Tony squint unreadably

Tim. “By the way, Dr. Lancaster, are you calling me at this time because

think of any other

her out of the blue. He would usually only reach out to her if they had business to talk

cursed you in the hospital room. Since I found it hard to listen to, I

Sonia grimaced in speechlessness.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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