Chapter 657 Hand-Knitted Scarf

The secretaries and assistants were worried that if they slowed down their pace, Toby would turn his attention to them as well. And woe be to them if that were to come to pass! As such, they hurried down the hallway, leaving their fallen colleague to deal with Toby’s wrath.

Presently, the male secretary, Jacob, dared not meet Toby’s gaze. He kept his head down, and he was trembling slightly. It was clear to see that he was intimidated by Toby.

Toby, however, lowered his gaze on the man as he asked placidly, “Did you say that your wife gave you a gift?”

Jacob was a little taken aback by this. He looked up, but instead of answering the question, he asked Toby skeptically, “President Fuller, did you stop me just to ask me that?”

Upon hearing Toby hum in affirmation, Jacob felt as if a weight had been lifted off his chest. All the anxiousness drained out of him, and as he was visibly relaxed, his body stopped trembling as well. Straightening up, he let out a quiet breath of relief and answered calmly, “Yes, President Fuller. My wife has recently picked up knitting and crocheting, and she decided to make me this scarf.”

As he said this, his hand reached for the pink scarf around his neck, and a lovesick grin spread across his face. Then, he eyed Toby earnestly as he asked, “What do you think of it, President Fuller?”

Toby did not reply, but as he stared at the scarf, he thought it looked like a rather jarring shade of pink. This guy’s not actually bragging about this to me, is he? Ha! What makes him think this is bragging material? It’s just a scarf from his lover, and what’s with that ridiculous grin he has on his face? For some reason, he felt challenged, and he was suddenly seized with the confidence that he, too, could get his lover to knit him a scarf.

A little indignant, Toby pursed his lips, and the air around him grew colder as he lied, “It looks decent on you. Now get back to work.”

“Yes, sir,” Jacob replied respectfully with a firm nod, then happily let go of the scarf as he turned to go into the office.

Toby, on the other hand, walked in the opposite direction toward his own office as well. While doing so, he texted Sonia. ‘I think I know what I want.’

Sonia was busy going through paperwork when she heard her phone chime with a new message. She reached for it and glanced at Toby’s text. Raising a brow, she called him instead of replying to him.

At the sight of her incoming call, Toby swiped his screen to put her through, then pressed the phone to his ear.

Sonia’s firm and pleasant voice instantly filled the other line. “You said you know what you want, so come right out with it.”

on his face. “I want you to knit me a scarf,” Toby said. Once she gives me a hand-knitted scarf, then I can put it on and brag around the office,

registered Toby’s answer. A scarf? A scarf hand-knitted by me? She clearly had not expected him to ask for something so specific and odd,

he couldn’t come up with an idea of what he would want for a gift, like a razor or a leather belt or

no response from her, he immediately grew unsettled. Lowering his gaze slightly, he asked,

shook her head. “No, of course not. It’s just that, well, I’m curious as to what prompted you

Toby, who couldn’t possibly want something as plain and humble as

take long for Toby to confess a little sheepishly. “Someone was bragging

her head to the side

then told her about the conversation he had had with

story, Sonia was bemused. “How is that considered bragging? He was probably just excited to

but seeing as I don’t have a scarf hand-knitted by my girlfriend, that would

“Okay, fine, he was bragging to your face. So because your subordinate has something that you don’t, and he was showing it off in front of you, you decided that you would like to have a scarf to balance out the resentment you feel, is that

as enriching as theirs? I need everyone to know that I have what they have, if not

a migraine, she countered, “Of course I will, and I’m quite adept at knitting, too. But are you sure it’s what you want? You have

his head. “Any scarf

it will be my honor to make

he was on cloud nine. The fingers that twirled his pen quickened in light of

a decisive air


and thickness of the

and leaned back into his seat, the atmosphere around him growing warm

Toby’s insouciant stance, he adjusted his glasses

knit me a scarf,” Toby answered as he glanced at Tom, and while he sounded blase,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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