Chapter 681 Sonia’s Nickname

Tom had very nearly killed Rose with what he had told her the day before, but even as she pulled through and was recuperating just fine, she was still in shock.

As such, he had no excuse and he was willing to take any punishment Toby might have for him; he was the one to be blamed anyway.

Toby lowered his gaze imperiously as he stared at the man bowing before him. He had his lips pressed into a grim line as the air around him grew cold and still. He didn’t look like he was going to ask Tom to straighten his posture anytime soon because he was truly and absolutely furious.

For a moment, the tension at the doorway was suffocating and no one dared to speak a word. Aside from the sound of shallow breathing, they were engulfed in a deafening silence that became a fertile ground for fear to grow.

And Tom was a blooming example of that notion.

For each minute that Toby neither spoke nor asked him to straighten his posture and instead stared at Tom mutinously was another minute that Tom spent crippled with panic and anxiety. He would much rather have Toby kick him or verbally lash out at him—at least he wouldn’t be so terrified that beads of cold sweat would break out all over his forehead.

“Toby,” Sonia urged quietly as she sighed and tugged on Toby’s sleeve. She understood the pressure Tom must have felt at that moment and was close to speaking up for him.

As if reading her thoughts, Toby shot her a look and finally relented. He turned his frosty gaze toward Tom and demanded coldly, “What did you say to Grandma?”

Upon hearing this, Tom let out a huge sigh of relief. If President Fuller is speaking now, it means he isn’t as angry as he was minutes ago and my life will be spared! This is all thanks to Miss Reed; had she not urged President Fuller earlier, he would never let me leave unscathed.

“President Fuller, I told Old Mrs. Fuller…” He glanced over at Sonia before flashing her an apologetic smile.

Sonia knew that she was not meant to listen to the conversation and gave him an understanding look as she elaborated, “I’ll head back inside the apartment and allow you guys to have a word. I’ll be out once you’re done.”

With that, she spun and sauntered through the doorway. She wasn’t upset, for she had known since yesterday that Tom had no intention of letting her in on the details of his exchange with Rose.

Toby, on the other hand, merely stared after Sonia’s retreating figure but didn’t move to stop her.

asking Sonia to give them some privacy, that could only mean that his exchange

had to offer and she wouldn’t have collapsed over some trivial news. Even if the Fuller Group was to be liquidated, she would

weaknesses were Toby and Tyler, so anything that had to do with their

entirely disappeared through the doorway, Toby turned to look at Tom with

only one thing threatening his life now and it was his failing heart, so

Tom bowed his head

from the freezing depths of hell as he bit out, “Why would you tell her about it? Didn’t I ask you to keep it a secret from Grandma, Sonia and the others? How is it

and there was no way Old Mrs. Fuller couldn’t have known that there was something off about you. Besides, she questioned me incessantly and demanded an answer, which was why I… I didn’t have a choice but to tell her the truth. And even if I didn’t, she would have looked into this whole thing herself and stumbled upon the

into an even more frigid line as he fell speechless. He was a

tenacity. He never thought that his current condition would make him susceptible to even the otherwise underwhelming influence of red

his forehead tiredly, Toby said, “I’ll let this slide, but

news of his salvation. He broke into a surprised smile as he frantically

doing now?” Toby asked before he

treatment on her and she recovered within a considerably short period of time. That being said, she’s still in the hospital at the moment and won’t be discharged until tomorrow. The doctor said she needs to recuperate and be

heard this, Toby hummed in

even asked me what was wrong with you and why it could possibly make Old Mrs. Fuller collapse upon learning of it. I managed to suppress her curiosity, but I don’t think that will remain the case for long; knowing her, she’d start asking for an explanation

I discover that you’ve been blabbering about my secret to someone else, I have mines in Africa that still need a

responded, “Don’t you worry, President Fuller. My lips are tightly sealed!

had no plans on supervising the mines in Africa; it was havoc there and he had a feeling that he might not recognize himself if he

the space between his brows. “Drop Sonia off at Paradigm Co. before we

answered solemnly before he hurried

spun on his heels as well and

she turned to meet his gaze and quickly chirped into the phone, “Okay, got it.

nod. “Sorry to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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