Chapter 103

“It’s not you I’m looking for; I want to speak to Sonia. Is she there with you?” Grace asked on the other line, prompting Charles to glance over at Sonia.

“She’s here,” he answered.

“Pass the phone to her.”

Having made a noise of agreement, Charles handed Sonia his phone while saying, “Here, it’s my mom.”

Sonia took the phone over and greeted pleasantly, “Mrs. Lane.”


“Sonia! I’ve missed you so much.” Grace beamed as soon as she heard Sonia’s voice on the other end of the call.

Sonia, on the other hand, smiled as well. “I’ve missed you, too, Mrs. Lane.”


“You could always drop by to see me, you know.” Grace pointed out, feigning dejection.

“Sorry, Mrs. Lane. I’ve been tied up with tons of stuff recently. I barely have time to breathe,” Sonia winced and said apologetically.

few of my best recipes for you,” Grace cajoled kindly.

Sonia was just about to say something when Charles-who had been eavesdropping

-spoke up instead. “Mom, I’m bringing my darling for seafood.”

Grace, however, was insistent as she countered, “You know how restaurants never run a quality check on their seafood supplies, and it’s not as if they could do better than me when it comes to cooking.”

Sonia interjected, “Thank you for the offer, Mrs. Lane. We’ll go over to your place in a bit!”

“Oh, please, no need for the formalities. See you soon!” Grace chortled happily, elated that the younger girl had agreed to drop by for a meal.

When the call ended, Charles put his phone away and gave Sonia a resigned look. “Well, it looks like we’re going to have to give the seafood restaurant a miss.”

“It’s fine; there’s always next time, anyway. Now, we should probably go and pick out gifts for your parents.” With that, she linked arms with him and led him toward the car.

After they made their rounds through the boutiques in the mall, they finally picked out an elegant cloak for Grace and a tasteful necktie for Curtis. Then, they made their way to the Lane Residence.

relationship was more family than anything else. In particular, Grace had been best friends with Sonia’s mother.

before Charles and Sonia pulled up in front of

as it had before. As such, she did not feel out of

Grace practically ran out of the house to greet her guest when she heard the sound of the car pulling up. Her eyes lit up at the sight of Sonia, and she approached the latter

Sonia greeted with a bright

Charles stood by the side and drawled sarcastically,

day, and believe me when I say I’m getting tired of it. My attention is on Sonia now. Come here, Sonia, let me take a good look at you!” She

was somewhat amused by the

have,” Grace insisted. “Your face is

I’ve lost all my baby fat, so now I appear a little more slender

placated. “Alright, that’s enough fretting, Mrs.

then.” Grace took her by the hand and led her into the family

villa, Sonia noted that there was no one else at home but them,

golfing with his buddies. No matter. Sonia, why don’t you tell me how you‘ve been for the past six years.”

Sonia answered easily with a nod and began to detail the life she had had with the Fullers, though she kept it brief to save

edge of the coffee table in a physical show of frustration and snapped, “I knew those Fullers were rotten! You should have told us how badly they were treating you, Sonia. If you had told us,

into an apple. “That’s what I told

abusive marriage wounded him, and the rage he felt never went away. That being said, he was

outward concern, Sonia felt warmth course through her. Tears pricked her eyes as she said, “I didn’t


for her throughout her marriage to Toby, but they couldn’t come to her defense all the time. Besides, they weren’t actually related to her, which meant her troubles would only grow to

am I going to do with you?” Grace gently

Grace was frustrated, but she smiled good-naturedly as she wrapped the latter’s arm

gesture and smoothed Sonia’s

sniffed the air curiously. “Mom, what do you have on the stove?

snapped out of her thoughts, and her eyes lit up with panic. She rose to

simmering in the pot, and thankfully, she made

said, “Here you go, Sonia. Have some juice while you watch a bit of television; I’ll

Lane.” Sonia nodded with

“Come and help

blinked. He could hardly believe what he had just heard as he pointed at his nose.

not?” Grace’s face was dark as she

did not dare reject her. Resigned, he stood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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