“Yeah, she showed up.” Toby nodded.

Tina’s gaze flickered. “Then… how is she like?”

Toby frowned but didn’t answer.

Upon seeing this, Tina pretended to be worried. “Toby, is she horrible and evil?”

“It’s all right, Tina. Don’t think too much.” Toby stroked her hair. “I’ll get Dr. Steve to treat you well and eliminate that alter.”

“Eliminate?” Seemingly shocked, Tina covered her mouth. “Why do you want to eliminate her? Didn’t we agree to merge our personalities?”

“We can’t do that. Your alter is too evil. I’m worried that after you merge, your personality will change as well,” Toby replied in his deep voice.

Tina nodded, “Oh. All right, then. We’ll do as you say, Toby.”

She lowered her eyelids and clasped her hands together.

It turned out that to him, the real her was an evil presence.

“Dr. Steve.” Not noticing Tina’s small movements, Toby turned to look at Steve, who was opposite from him.

please proceed,” Steve pushed his glasses up and

me. I

“Okay,” Steve responded.

toward the entrance

out of the

first consultation over?” Tim asked after stopping to look at the two

over. What brought you

his white coat. “I had just finished my surgery for today. I remembered that you guys were here, so I came over to take

massaged his temples. “It’s rather serious. Her alter is already very mature, and she’s the same age as Tina.” “Is that so? Seems like it’s quite serious.” With light reflecting off his glasses, Tim asked, “Then, what are you guys planning to do next?” Tina stuck her fingers together. “Toby said to just get rid of her.” “Is that true, Toby?” Tim raised an eyebrow. Toby lifted his chin. “Well, that alter can’t stay.” Tina lowered her head,

said in a cold voice, “I know that, which is why I asked Dr. Steve to try his best to treat her. All right. We should get going) Tim stepped aside to make way for them, and he even made a polite gesture showing the two of them out. Lifting his feet, Toby walked forward with Tina following closely behind him. When passing by Tim, she

was going to undergo surgery in two days, she must stay in the hospital for two days. During those two days, she wouldn’t be able to work, so she could only finish the work of those two days in advance. Otherwise, it would pile up later, and her workload would increase. In the afternoon, Charles received a phone call from his assistant asking him to go back to attend a meeting Only then did Charles set down the pen in his hand, stretch, and get up from his chair. “How much more?”

the table next to her and let

made a motion to indicate a very high

sighed. “There’s still so much, huh. You can’t finish them alone in two days either. I’ll take half of them

sip of the

wave. “What are you thanking me for? Although Paradigm Co. is stable now, and I’m not needed much, I still have the title

pick up half

“Daphne, Charles is going back.

joy flashed across her eyes, but it

gesture toward Charles. “President Lane,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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