Without thinking much, Sonia only acknowledged what Zane had said. Slowly, the Ferris wheel started to move. As she watched Douglas wave at her when his pod gradually lifted into the air, she could not help but giggle and wave back.

When Zane saw this, he put down his coffee as he wanted to wave as well. Douglas had already seen this coming, so before Zane could wave at him, the boy pointed his butt at Zane.

Seeing that, Zane was dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Sonia could not help but laugh ecstatically. With one hand on his forehead, Zane sighed, “That little… He’s clearly doing it on purpose.”

“Douglas is adorable,” she noted as she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes from laughing too hard.

Upon hearing this, he laughed as well. “I’m glad you like him.”

Confused, she stared at him curiously. “Huh?”

Casually, he waved his hand. “Nothing.”

Squinting her eyes, she pointed out, “You’re acting a bit weird today. You’ve been speaking mysteriously.”

“Am I? Haha…” He chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his head.

to tell me. So, tell me, what is your plan for the Grays? You mentioned that

was thinking of looking for someone to

she stood up all of a sudden.

we have no idea how long it would

behind so that I could find Rina, she thought. However, she had no idea what to do if

the Grays ever since our last cooperation, but the effect is minimal. So, we need to find someone to help us from the inside. Then, we’ll be able to finish the Grays in a short time,” he stated seriously. At that moment, her heart raced. There was no doubt that she

he extended his hand toward her. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll settle it. Just tell me if you agree to this plan.” After pausing for a few seconds, she smiled and extended her arm to shake his hand. “Fine.

voice, her heart melted. Putting down her milkshake, she bent forward to carry him and sat him on her lap. “You’re done?” “Yes. Let’s go play that one!” He pointed at the spinning teacup ride. She could not make the decision alone as Zane was Douglas’ uncle after all. So, she turned to look at

decided to give me a call right now? Don’t they know that I’m spending time with the woman I love? Even so, he took out his phone and answered it. “President Coleman,

the factory manager could not deal with

he turned to look at Sonia, “I’m afraid we’ll have to end our trip at the amusement

for today.” Though she did not hear the contents of the phone conversation, she understood that something

“Douglas, we…”

Zane could finish, Douglas wrapped his arms around Sonia’s neck. “No, I don’t want to go! I want

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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