Bought By The Billionaire

Chapter 24: Bought By The Billionaire - Chapter Twenty-Four

“So, what do you think?” asks my Master. “How did it go?”

We are sitting in his office, following a meeting with Alexander Thornton, Senior and Jaye Thornton, Junior.

My Master, Richard Haswell, is negotiating a real estate deal with them worth tens of millions. I have been acting as secretary at the meeting, taking the minutes. Also, I have been acting on instructions from my Master to be his eyes and ears; to gauge reactions, to people-watch.

What do I think?

I sip my coffee, choosing my words.

“I think that Thornton Senior wants the deal. He thinks that being associated with the Haswell Corporation will enhance his company’s reputation and that he will be able to pass that legacy to his son. However, I also think that Thornton Junior believes the opposite; that their company will be swallowed whole by Haswell and lose its identity. It doesn’t matter to him how attractive the deal is financially. He doesn’t want his father’s company to appear to be the junior partner.”

My Master chews his bottom lip and stares at the ceiling for a minute. “I think you’re spot on with that Elizabeth. Any suggestions on how to deal with it?”

Sipping my coffee, I ponder for a minute. “Well, the actual deal is all but agreed, isn’t it? The legalities, the finances, the share split, and so on. Am I right on that? No-one is saying that the deal discussed is unfair, or poor value?”

Nodding “Ah-ha…I would say so, yes.”

“Well, in that case, it’s about face-saving surely? Giving a perceived value to their input.”

“Okay… so……?”

“Suppose that some of the more visible parts of the project were branded with their company name, or even better, their names. For example, there’s a theatre complex planned as part of the development isn’t there? It could be called something like the Alexander Thornton Arts Foundation perhaps? I don’t think that would make any difference to you, would it?”

My Master snaps his fingers. “Perfect! You’re right. It’s all about Jaye Thornton’s ego. And you are quite correct. I don’t need my self-image boosting. We’ll see if a little flattery will win their hearts and the deal.”


in a beautiful restaurant; myself and my Master, with Alexander and Jaye Thornton. The surroundings are lovely, the

twinkly-eyed and charming. His son, Jaye Thornton is a fire-cracker, quick-tempered, good-looking and eager

me that our offer is acceptable. The

is not acceptable. Everything is set up so that your company sees all

breaks in. “Now then Jaye. Calm down. This can work for everyone. We just have to find the right way

Master. “And in fact, Elizabeth had some thoughts about this very point….” He turns to me, waving his hand, inviting me

Nervously, “Well, Mr Thornton…”

Smiling, “Alex, my dear…”

talking about how you wanted to pass your company onto your son….” I nod to Jaye, trying to address them both. “…. You were saying that you would like to retire and you were considering your legacy; how you would be remembered for all the work you have done to build up your

Alex is nodding encouragingly.

the ‘Constructed by’ billboard. But if, for example, the theatre complex were to be called something like ‘Alexander Thornton Arts Foundation’, it would mean a lot more to him. The park area

“That would be wonderful. Dad here would get the recognition he deserves for all his hard work and the

Thornton Senior.

deal, Richard.” and

on to writing up a draft form of words tomorrow.

celebrate our agreement.” Alex holds up a champagne flute and we all

remainder of the evening is

position in all this Elizabeth? Obviously, you are part of the Company, but do I

You’re quite right. Elizabeth and I, do enjoy more than a business relationship.” He takes my hand and kisses it, his eyes soft as he

not think he actually intends anything by it or is even really aware he is doing it, as he is engaged in conversation. However, I have waited for this moment. My skirt was carefully chosen to be flattering, but apparently demure. To the outside world, I must appear a princess. Caesar’s wife must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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