Bought By The Billionaire

Chapter 27: Bought By The Billionaire - Chapter Twenty-Seven

Later, showered, clean and comfortable, we lie together on my bed, drinking wine, discussing everything and nothing in the candlelight.

“Master, there’s something I think I need to tell you about.”

Cocking an eyebrow at me, “Oh? What?”.

“You know Mack Kane?”

“What about him? He lost his job when you spotted that he’d been defrauding the company.”

“Yes, but, I’ve seen him a few times since then. I think he’s following me.”

My Master looks appalled. “What! When was this?”

“Usually when I’m coming home from the office. I keep seeing him and I wonder if he’s trying to find out where I live now. The first time I thought it was just a coincidence, but it’s kept happening. I think I’ve managed to lose him in the crowds each time but….”

He holds up a warding hand. “Say no more Elizabeth. I’ll get right onto it. I think a prohibition order is needed. I have friends with the police. We’ll get it fast-tracked for you.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“I’m sorry, Elizabeth. You don’t deserve this.”

“It’s alright, Master. It’s not your fault. I didn’t want to bother you with it but….”

He jabs a finger at me. “This is the kind of thing you do bother me with Elizabeth. If anything else happens, you tell me right away. I mean that. You call me immediately. You have my mobile number, and I’ll tell Francis to make sure that if you call the office, it comes straight through to me if you say it’s important.”

“Alright. I’ll do that.”

He stretches and yawns. “I’m sorry Elizabeth, but I have to go. I have a lot on tomorrow and the following day, so it could be the end of the week before I see you again. But don’t worry about things. I’ll contact the police tomorrow morning. And you keep in touch if you need to. I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything were to happen to you. Okay?”

I nod. “Good night, Elizabeth.” And he kisses me, softly, on the lips, his hand caressing my hair.

leaves, clicking the door closed behind him. I start making myself ready for sleep; a cup of tea, a book,

down to the concierge “Sorry, Miss Kimberley. He’s already

tomorrow, so he probably needs the case. I could

am just tapping out a text when the door buzzes. Ah!

I shout and go to the

the lock snaps up, the door crashes open in my face and a man bursts in. Stepping backwards, Mack Kane slams me against the wall, his hands

him off. I am trying, with both hands, to break his grip on my neck, but the momentum of his charge through the door has pushed me to

little bitch!” he is yelling. “You think you could do that and get away with it? You

cannot break loose. He is strangling me, and my vision is beginning to blur. I cannot breathe. The hot blackness of unconsciousness circles in

is screaming. “Bitch!

collapse under me. I have no

do you think

their hold on my throat,

I am going to be

soon. As I gasp on the floor, chest heaving, the two men struggle by the doorway. Suddenly Mack breaks free and dashes out of the door. Through blurry vision

had time to kick in, and I am

left you. Oh, God. I could

tears and shaking. “I’m alright,

were attacked. He was trying to kill you.” He sits me, on

concierge. “Yes, an ambulance. And the Police. Right now. And close up the building. Seal all the

words, before stabbing the

calm myself, and so calm him. I have not been seriously hurt, only shaken, and Mack will soon be arrested and locked up. My Master knows people and Mack will not get away with this. I did nothing to him

down. I’m alright. Truly, he hasn’t

my hammering heartbeat to slow down, and hoping that my

breathing eases, my Master visibly relaxes, but almost engulfs me in his embrace, kissing my forehead, rocking

the wail of sirens and blue light flashes up through the windows, into the room. It feels weird, unearthly, and

wake, in bed, disoriented, staring up at

is not my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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