Bought By The Billionaire

Chapter 29: Bought By The Billionaire - Chapter Twenty-Nine

I spend the rest of the week in a dreamy haze. After a couple of days in bed, I feel fine and am bored rigid. Against my Master’s protests, I return to work.

But I am thinking hard.

I know my Master loves me. I can see it in his face, and he is showing it by his actions if not his words.

I continue my work with the Thornton deal, familiarizing myself with as much of it as I can. Jaye and Alex Thornton both seem to like me, and my Master, ‘Richard’ at these meetings, always brings me along, saying that my presence makes the negotiations go more smoothly.

My sun is shining, and my skies are blue.

Turning the key in the lock, I click open the door to my Master’s apartment and walk in, calling as I enter. “Hi, it’s only me….” Then I freeze at the tableau I see before me.

My Master is there, in the lounge and Adele, his ‘ex’, is with him. She is wearing a very short scarlet dress with deeply plunging neckline. Her long dark hair is swinging loosely around her and she is pressed up close to my Master, arms around his neck, kissing him.

As I stand there, gaping, she turns her face to me, almost sneering, a sneer that turns to triumph as she sees me.

My Master calls out. “Elizabeth….” but I turn and run, sick to the pit of my stomach, trying to keep back the tears until I can cry in private. Taking the lift down to the lobby, I keep my face down as I make for the door. The phone rings in my pocket, but I ignore it.

A minute later there is the bing of a text arriving, and then another. I ignore both, instead hailing a taxi to take me to my own apartment.

Slamming the door closed behind me, I finally allow myself to collapse into tears, letting the sobs rack me as I grieve. How could he have done that to me? I trusted him. He even encouraged me to live with him. And then to have her there….

My phone rings again. Checking the screen, it is Richard calling me, and this time I decide to answer.

“Elizabeth. We have to talk. That wasn’t what….”

I decide that I don’t want to hear it, and I hang up.

Miserably, I wonder what to do with myself and settle for pouring myself a drink, a large drink. It will make me tipsy, but that’s probably not a bad idea right now. I gulp it down, pour myself another and then, cradling the glass, I stand by the window, staring out over the cityscape far below, feeling wretched. The tears have stopped flowing and for some time I stand there; just stand.

It’s Richard. Let

not answer. I don’t want to talk

this door. We need

I don’t reply.

know you’re in there. The concierge told me you are here. Now

Still, I say nothing.

a moment there is silence and then, with a crash, the door bursts open

the wall.

wave a finger at the door,

building. It’s my fucking door. I’ll replace it.” he snarls. Striding over, he jabs a finger towards me. “I know you’re

the glass from my hand and puts it on the coffee table. Seizing me by the shoulders, he pushes me against the wall. Never have I seen him like this

then say it. But do not put the phone down on me.

continues. “I’m sorry you saw what you did, but I told you weeks ago that Adele is out of

“You were kissing her……”

kissing me. There’s a difference. And if you had stayed another ten seconds, you would have seen me push her off,

am not frightened of him, even in this mood. Although my breathing is rapid,

anything more that you would like to ask?” he says. “Or can I take it that you’re going to behave like a normal human being now?” Then he pauses, looks at me closely, tilting his head,

finger. “I thought I’d scared you for a minute there, but you’re panting, and you’ve got eyes like saucers.

the buttons of my blouse and tugs it open. Buttons pop in all directions and fabric rips as he pulls the remains

to protest.

he unzips my skirt, ripping it open the rest of the way, dropping what’s left to the floor to join the shredded remains of my blouse, leaving me only in black lace bra and

my pussy is

for it. Now….” He pauses reflectively, looking down at my

butt up where I can get at it.” He pushes me down, bending over double, hands on the floor to support myself, almost touching my toes. “You can spread those too.”

one hand. “Repeat after me. ‘I will not be rude to

“I will not be

slaps again, the other cheek. It stings and I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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