Bought By The Billionaire

Chapter 36: Bought By The Billionaire - Chapter Thirty-Six

… he reaches, grasps the top of my panties and is about to pull when…

There is a wailing noise, eerie and strange as it echoes around the room, but to me as welcome as sunshine after rain. The cavalry has arrived…… at last.

The sound of police sirens reverberates around us.

Konner dashes to the window, peering down through clouded glass and cobwebs, then says. “There’s police cars out there. Lots of them. The building’s surrounded.”

Fury washes across Mack’s face, followed by confusion. Adele’s expression is apoplectic.

“How?” she demands. “How did they find us?”

They both look at me.

Relief washing over me, still sick to my stomach but nonetheless, relieved, I say “You figure it out. You’re neither of you all that bright, are you?”

Bafflement on both features. “Did it occur to you that mobile phones these days do a lot more than make phone calls? Of course, my friends know where I am. They only had to trace my phone signal.”

They still both look blank. “It’s a modern phone.” I continue. “A smartphone. They all have GPS built in. And they can all be set to be traceable. Usually it’s just a protection against phones being stolen, but in this case, it meant that I could be tracked if needed.”

Adele’s face twists. Mack still looks bewildered. How did he succeed in defrauding my Master for so long if he is really this stupid?

From below comes the sound of many feet running up the echoing stairs.

“Put your gun down,” I say to Konner.

“Don’t,” says Mack to him. “We’ll fight it out. We’ll….”

by Elroy. Mack looks furious.

says Konner. “No-one said anything about fighting it out with the police. I’m not being

Francis’ eyes are swollen, as though she has been crying. Ross

Master gazes around the room, taking in the tableau. He looks down at me, his expression bland. “What have they done to

my Master about what has/was going to happen. I am his. I do

course I must tell

didn’t have time. It probably looks worse than it is.” I wipe my eye, streaming fluid:

his expression stays blank, his gaze sweeping over Konner and Elroy.

won’t come out. No longer able to hold my self-control,

Adele?” He glances at

watch. And then Mack was planning to ransom me back to you, but sell me anyway to someone in the third world even when you paid. I’m not sure who.

voice is calm, measured.

Master at his most dangerous. He holds out his hand, helping me to stand, his stare hovering over my ripped clothes,

Ross. Please take care of Elizabeth. See if

me by an arm, trying to lead me out of the room, but I resist. I want to see what happens next. Now that my Master is here, in charge,

to say?” he asks, his stare like the passage of the Angel

pushes her away with an expression as though he had just bitten into

starts to cry, dabbing her eyes. “I didn’t mean her any harm. She’s

act, but it

that, you wanted to sit back and watch her

She falls silent.

happened anyway, but after what you have done here, and

attention to Mack. I cannot help but contrast the two men. My Master, tall, holding himself proud.

in her own apartment. Now you abduct her, assault her. You were about to rape her and then sell her into sexual slavery? What is the appropriate way of dealing with a man like you?” His voice is calm, but I see the whiteness of his knuckles.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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