Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 403

Chapter 403 Xavier Has Kidnapped Monica

Matthew’s words woke Skyler up from his drowsiness. “What? Pregnant?”

“Hmm,” Matthew hummed in response. The other party kept quiet for a moment before bursting into laughter. “Matt, are you kidding me?”

He laughed non-stop at Matthew as though it was the funniest joke of the universe. Matthew’s countenance darkened as his lips were pursed into a thin line. “Do you have a death wish?”

The sinister threat sent chills down Skyler’s spine and he covered his face in an attempt to hold in his laughter. “I mean, Matt, you’ve gone overboard. I’m just happy for you. You’ve finally wished to have a son to play with and I’m going to be another father figure!”

“Shut up!” Matthew snorted. “Just answer me.” “Oh, about that.” Skyler cleared his throat before saying, “Let me think.”

Silence dawned upon the other side of the line and Matthew could scarcely hear a laughter afterward. Little did he know that Skyler was guffawing while covering his face with the blanket.

It took him a while to calm down. “That’s not a problem. I’ll prescribe some supplements that are good for pregnancy. As long as you do your best, you can get yourself a football team. It won’t be a big deal.”

“I’ll ask Thomas to retrieve it in the morning.”

“Sure. Looks like you can’t wait any longer, huh? Good, good.” Skyler started the teasing before letting out a hearty laughter again.

Matthew’s face dimmed and he terminated the call.

On the other hand, Veronica returned to her place by car and unpacked her stuff when Sean suddenly rang her.

“Have you returned to the country, Veronica?” he asked in concern. “I heard you’re feeling under the weather. Are you feeling better now?”

her lips slightly twitched as she wondered what Matthew told him. “Yeah, I’m all better now, but

you get someone else to help

okay. Glad

taken a leave for her. She did not expect him to be so meticulous in taking care

over ten thousands of dollars. Although the clever Mia had raked in more than that by reselling the

the morning where Yvonne was playing games in her bed. Noticing Veronica’s visit, she

about you,” retorted Veronica

really? It is my honor.” Yvonne continued playing the mobile game while speaking,

on the microphone. “What the hell? What are you

the sour mood? Look at me. I’m still doing fine although I was made a fool of. You seemed to have it

the past few days because she was worried about the baby in

“Where’s Conrad?”

and released by Zac.

you, but they change their attitude at the very next second. Zac hasn’t contacted me these days. I received a text from Conrad, though. He

“What is it?”

“‘You cruel woman!’”

corrected only to receive silent glares

I’ll take you somewhere nice for

eat anything.” Yvonne’s voice trailed off into a whimper. “My parents don’t know about my pregnancy yet. I

she could help with as she patted her shoulders.

mobile games for the entire day and Yvonne was happy to have Veronica carry the game. Matthew neither returned

was not in a hurry and was phubbing in her bed the next morning. Suddenly, her phone rang and it was

“Hi, Shir. What—”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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