Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband

Bumpkins Rich Handsome Husband Chapter 565

Chapter 565 Matthew Is Beaten

Matthew rose to his feet and sat by the bed. He rested Veronica on his shoulder while hugging her. “All you have to do is to stand behind me, and let me protect you. Of course, my Roni is smart. We can devise strategies and bear the burden together.”

He twirled the strands of hair that flowed down on her shoulder. “Zac is returning to Bloomstead in a few days, and there will be another storm to deal with. If you’re scared, you can choose to run away. Although I hope you’ll be my adviser, I do understand if you decide to escape.”

He said the exact opposite as he attempted to persuade her to reconsider her decision.

“I will never run away!” She was leaning on his shoulder when she abruptly straightened up and turned to face him. “You’re the father of my babies. How can I run away right now? That’s—”

Veronica paused midway as she thought of something, then froze with her lips pursed in silence.

“What made you stop?” Matthew smiled as he stroked her cheek. “If I’m in trouble, you will never abandon me. So, do you think I’ll just watch when it’s your turn?”

to prevent her from

down after I make up my mind.” Matthew softly touched her collarbone. “You’re mine. If I can’t even promise your safety… I will live the rest of

to win at everything; I’ll never lose again. It will be a


we’ll register our marriage.” She nodded seriously and gripped his hand tightly before she placed it on her belly. “From now on… We are a

the moment. She could not help but imagine how happy they would be after the babies were born. It

boy or a baby girl?” Veronica was

not sure if he wanted kids either. Veronica remembered him not liking kids the first

I’ll love them.” Matthew was slightly

of an emergency. However, due to her unstable pregnancy, there was a risk for miscarriage. The only thing he would do was to find the best gynecologist and

“I knew it.”

her life happily married to Matthew. All her concerns

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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