Bye, My Ex-husband

Chapter 41: Gracie Is Here 

Rayan searched everywhere he could think of.

But it was as if by magic that Gracie was wiped from the face of the earth.

Neither did she answer her calls nor was seen in public by anyone.

Janessa, when she came to the company, found that Rayan was not there.

When she asked the receptionist, she too informed that she never saw him that day.

As Corbin too was away from the company, Janessa smiled helplessly.

Rayan could think of nothing else but Gracie because she was the most important for him.

He would not even answer Janessa's phone call when her life was at stake, but he couldn't stand not seeing Gracie for just one minute.

Had Janessa been missing from home, he would never bother to ask for her whereabouts.

But when Gracie was missing he turned the whole city upside down.

When she finished her work, Janessa received a call from her mother-in-law.

She answered the call and said, "Hi mom, what is wrong? I just got off my shift."

"I called to let you know that Atlas is in the city.He will be picking you up later.Last time you left in a haste and I forgot something that I wanted to give to you,"Sarah said from the other side.

"Okay."After the short conversation, Janessa left Alana a voicemail saying that she had to cancel their meeting.

Then she reached the nearest shopping mall.

She was still confused as to why her mother-in-law wanted to see her, but she did remember she was in a hurry and didn't bring anything as a token gift last time they met.

Thus she quickly grabbed two pieces of clothing from high-end brands and a beautiful, good quality tea set.

By the time she was done shopping, Atlas arrived right outside the mall.

When she arrived in the old house, Sarah looked with admiration at everything she brought with herself and praised her.

"Haven't I told you many times that you do not need to buy me gifts every time you come here?"

Although Sarah tried to be stern, it was evident that she was really happy with the gifts.

She loved Janessa.

The girl was perfect.

She was eloquent and efficient.

She was a very good wife to Rayan.

But they ended up getting divorced.

you know that I and Rayan are no longer

how to continue anymore so

that every citizen

know what her connection to the

Janessa's predicament and

she made her

left the room and

back and settled

she looked at Janessa with love and said, "I always wanted you and Rayan to be together, because even though I was aware

sake of the Qiu Group,

known fact that almost no one

of the marriages were to enhance family

but also because it was expected of

lot of things completely changed in the last


Janessa remained silent.

not know what to say or

She was absolutely helpless.

she would have never

and Gordon would also

they would have lived

Sarah read Janessa's mind.

"You see, life surprises us all the time.Strange things just happen.The

"Combat and move on?"

became a little

She felt confused.

sure about what her mother-in-law tried to

to make up between her and Rayan when they were legally divorced? The question

can win back Rayan's heart with just a little push and perseverance.As for now, you don't worry about

told in a

Her confidence was strange.

never become the daughter-in-law of the Lu family? Was it because Gracie just stayed in the

had decided to keep Gracie hidden, no matter what Rayan did, he

the Lu family owned was so magnanimous that even Rayan himself

she and Rayan would never

faulty and cumbersome right from

that it was over was

that...Something came to Janessa’s mind but she simply shook her

this bracelet at the door last time.Listen, Rayan's grandma gave it

I have

might become useful in the future.I am exhausted.I will go back now to rest for a bit.It had gotten very late.Stay here for the night and ask Atlas to drop you to work


Sarah left the


still married, after a heavy meal she and her mother-in-law would often

today she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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