Bye, My Ex-husband

Chapter 70: A Boy Toy 

At the office, Janessa assigned the daily tasks to her group members and was about to go upstairs to sort out the day's work when she heard Sally's voice.

"Janessa, you are so lucky.Only recently divorced and already you've got a man chasing after you.And one so much younger than Mr.Lu."

Sally walked towards her with a disdainful look on her face, her nose pointed upward.

Janessa was sick of this.

This woman had been making trouble for her since the very moment she started working here.

She made a fuss over even the littlest things.

If she hadn't said anything, maybe the other employees wouldn't have noticed.

But now, the other seemed to be straining their ears to listen closer.

Janessa scoffed, then picked up the folder on the table.

She made a point of ignoring Sally.

At first, Sally thought that Janessa would contradict her.

She already knew exactly what she was going to say back to her.

But she hadn't expected that Janessa wouldn't react at all.

Now she was furious.

She couldn't say anything if Janessa wasn't acknowledging her.

However, not willing to surrender, Sally stopped Janessa from walking away.

"Don't go yet.Tell me, what does that handsome man do for a living? You can tell me and I can give you some advice."

"It's none of your business, Sally.Why don't you focus on your job instead of mindless office gossip?" Janessa said.

She glanced coldly at the onlookers around them.

They quickly looked away and threw themselves back into their work.Janessa looked back at Sally.She seemed to shrink away from her.

Sally took a deep breath.

new man, even after spending all this time trying

if Gracie could let it go, she

Janessa had won Gordon's

and met Janessa’s eye as she asked, "Is this your new boy toy? It must be, otherwise why wouldn't you introduce him to us? This might be personal, but is it wrong for me to care about my colleagues? Besides, we

Sally sneered.

right with the wrong, which was something that ordinary

Janessa didn't say anything.

her with

matters during work hours.Now get back to your


sight of her


loads of stupid things like this through the

to make sure it didn't get back to their family, Linda helped her out a

now out

she went on like this, she would ruin Linda's

cousin and watched her slowly return to

she didn't dare

time to watch this

turned around to leave, but

please come with me.I have something to tell

around and went straight into her

to thank Linda for her

would have such big

Group later is suspended.They found a problem in the plan and said this issue must be resolved immediately.Otherwise, they will pull

Janessa was shocked.

been communicating the


was wondering why the people of the Gu Group didn't contact her directly, Linda explained, "They called you this morning, but you

Janessa nodded.

take care

to Rayan's office on the

passed by her and seeing the depressed expression on Janessa's face, he said, "Don't

"Well, thank you."

didn't want to

to work.Seeing that she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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