Bye, My Ex-husband

Chapter 81:A Subtle Relationship 

On their way back to the city, Rayan did not discuss about work at all.Janessa took a while to realize that, he just made up an excuse to get her into the car.As they entered the city Janessa pointed to a spot on the roadside and asked the driver to pull over, casually.

"Please stop the car.Also, thanks for accompanying me and not you lover.Really, thank you so much."

Rayan's mouth twitched at the corners.

It pissed him that she treated his car like a taxi and asked to stop at her own will.The driver caught in a dilemma looked at his boss through rear view mirror.

When he understood that he was not allowed to stop, very politely and with an awkward smile he said to Janessa, "I apologize Miss Qiu, but we are not allowed to stop."

Hearing this Janessa was at a loss.

There was no reason as to why they could not stop because there was no 'No Parking’ sign visible.

On top of that, another car just stopped right in front of their eyes.

In practice she was not a very good driver but she still owned a driver's license.

Did he really believe that she had no idea about anything? Now that it was clear, that the driver could not let her out from the car without his boss's permission, Janessa wondered where Rayan was taking her to.

She started feeling extremely anxious.

Suddenly they parked in front of the hospital.

How did he know that Alana was admitted there? Janessa was utterly confused, but she refrained from asking anything.

"Thank you."

"Not a problem."

She tried to express her gratitude but Rayan was his usual cold self.

Just as she stepped out of the car, the Ferrari swiftly drove away in a jiffy.

She quickly called Eric to get Alana's ward number.When she entered the ward, she found her friend lying on a bed.She was on an IV drip and her foot had been re-bandaged.

"Wow, look at you all relaxed and at leisure.Miss Shen, you have such a comfortable life here."

Janessa arched her eyebrows and teased her bedridden friend.

She instantly knew that her friend was fine because both Alana and Eric seemed very calm.

But did something happen between them? She could feel that the relation that Eric and Alana shared had changed a little somehow.

they strategically avoided

would pretend to be cold to him or Eric would

of them knew each other really well, they settled to

spark between them was

could understand this new development

assured that now

two of

you tease

humiliated that she cut her foot while

did not want to experience the same

was not a


in complete silence by the window

yesterday when he

at the

would ever make fun

at her friend.She observed that

her laugh

for the people in the adjacent wards and the fear of

said, "You are being

you see, that I am still sick? How can you laugh at me? You

was not at all in any kind of pain.Rather

But, I am surprised.Now you two are in

she softly sat on the sofa to read


pillow in the

exactly her affection for Eric, how dare she made fun of her like

by throwing that pillow.Also, you think I won't throw

eyed her friend's

Just wait till I get

will you do then?"Janessa asked calmly

started making threatening gesture right from

used to the

sat there silently, observing the

wholesome chat and laughing for a while, Janessa got up to

outside the

do not have the slightest idea as to how

if Eric wasn't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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