Bye, My Ex-husband

Chapter 48: Why Are They Together

"It's good to see that you've already made up your mind.If you need help with anything, just let me know.I'll bring it up with Eric."

"It's alright.I'll let him know what love is in my own way."

Alana stood up confidently.

Her eyes were lit up with excitement, full of fighting spirit.

Janessa smiled wider as she watched the determined Alana.

Alana's determination was infectious and Janessa couldn't help but think about her own goals.

She also had a battle of her own.

"I just remembered, I had something I wanted to discuss with you."

As Alana looked at the photo opposite her on the cabinet, Alana suddenly remembered why she came to visit Janessa in the first place.

Alana gave Janessa a serious look before she said, "My brother has been put under house arrest."  Janessa was surprised when she heard the news.

The last time she had seen Gordon at the mall, he looked happy and carefree.

She assumed that the reason she hadn't seen Gordon for a while was that he hasn't accepted his fate yet.

The last thing she expected was for him to be put on house arrest.

Janessa looked away from Alana as she recalled what Mrs.Shen had told her in the hospital.

She had left without saying goodbye the last time.

Janessa assumed that Gordon would've known what she meant by her actions, but it turns out that he was clueless in the matter.

Now, it seems as if Mrs.Shen has made up her mind not to let them get involved ever again.

After all, Janessa was a divorced woman.

She couldn't blame Mrs.Shen for her actions.

It would be difficult for Mrs.Shen to accept a daughter-in-law like Janessa.

If the Shen family took in a divorced woman, their reputation would be at stake.

What would their friends and family think of them? Even though Gordon wasn't concerned with such things, his family was.

This was something the Shen family would never accept.

this, Janessa knew better

he only abided by


Gordon and Janessa had

state her family's business was in, Janessa had no choice

story had turned

Gordon had never given up on

ask if they

they would be

huge possibility their time might never come, at least,

shook her

to your brother.He needs to stop wasting his time on

them lay quietly on the

some time, Alana finally decided to

so long since we've gone to

I have to wear something

next day, the two of them decided to sleep

headed to the mall

one o'clock in the afternoon by the

a leisurely morning

for them to go shopping at this hour in the day.When they began to get exhausted from shopping, Janessa took Alana to a nearby cafe to get

two of them purchased more than ten bags worth of

you stop me from buying

she decided she needed to

have to get my hands on

of the cafe, and within minutes, came


would look terrific in this

had intended to buy the coat

not have much business knowledge,

the clothes she put together, she was able to transform them

laid eyes on Eric, he was

clothes weren't designer brands, they

similar taste when it

get along well together in

bought are for Eric, and now, you

Janessa went to the mall with Alana today,

was for Alana to buy

would be envious of all the

look the man.I want him to look handsome

laughed at her explanation, while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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